Sunday, June 30, 2013

WIWS # 2

This weekend Chris' parents and brothers came down to help us build our deck.  Somehow, I don't know how, they managed to finish.  It's beautiful.  I still can't believe it's done.  There's still a few things left, but all in all it's functional!

A few things I learned this weekend

1. I do not know how mother's of teen boys feed them.  My MIL had 4 men to feed.  I only had to feed these four men for 2  days.  I have never bought so many cold cuts in my life.  I have also never seen 3 large pizzas disappear quite so quickly.  Or cases of beer for that matter.  If God blesses us with sons, I pray He also blesses me with the wisdom of how to made our food stretch as far as possible.

2. When boys (ok, anyone) works up a sweat, and then sit around in a room for any given period of time, that room will then smell like dirty socks.  I need to Febreze my basement like whoa.

3. Men care much less about things like "tracking dirt into the house."  I also need to vacuum our floors like whoa.

And last, but not least.

4. My family is amazing.  My in-laws gave up an entire weekend of their time to come and help us.  They certainly did not need to do this, and I am eternally grateful.  There is nothing like family. And as I've said before, I married into a pretty fantastic family.

The hubby, his brothers and dad.  Cheersin' to a job well done
And, since this is WIWS...
Our lil family on our new deck!

Shirt: Thrifted
Jeans: Anne Taylor - thrifted
Shoes - these are Old Navy flops...I actually wore flats to church though

I absolutely loved the homily at mass today.  Our priest opened with a discussion about the difference between the terms "Freedom of Religion" and "Freedom of Worship."  Freedom of Worship is what we do every Sunday within the walls of our churches.  Freedom of Religion is how we live our faith.  We should not be confined to an hour every Sunday and then the rest of the week, we put aside our beliefs.  At the end of mass we were sent forth to proclaim the gospel with our lives.  I have always loved that.  We need to be Catholic 24/7/365.  He spoke so well, and I can hardly do his homily justice.  But, it spoke to me.  I, along with many other's, love the quote "Preach the gospel at all times and when necessary, use words."  I pray that my life preaches the gospel so that those who I meet know I am a Catholic by how I live my life.

Happy Sunday everyone!  Go check out the ladies of FLAP for more!


  1. I love, love, love that brown, pink and red background!!

  2. Yay for family homebuilding projects!! Your deck look awesome! I grew up with six brothers so I totally understand the dirty socks comment. As for the food, my Mom made homemade bread every helped.


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