Friday, July 5, 2013

7 Quick Takes vol 6

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you all had a fantastic 4th!

Linking up with Jen over at Conversion Diary!

1. Our deck is (mostly) finished!  Chris and his father and brother's did such a fantastic job, it is beautiful.  There are still a few screws/bolts/braces whatever that have to be put in but we've enjoyed coffee on our deck the past couple mornings :-)  Here are a few before and after photos:
The before
Chris, Bryan, and Tim down below
Chris and his dad laying boards
Love it!
All done!
2. One of the highlights of my week: I started doing assessments on new clients and this week met with two young girls.  One mother told me how shocked she was that her daughter was talking to me since she hardly ever talks to adults.  The other mother, as I left, said that she really hoped I would be her daughter's therapist.  It's nice to hear you're doing something right.

3. I bought a new camera!  It's a Nikon CoolPix L820.  Not a super fancy DSLR, but I LOVE it already.  I can't wait to take more that look better than my phone pictures

4. Chris and I spent the fourth with my family at my parent's house.  New camera in hand, my niece was surely my favorite subject

5. Yesterday I finally was able to watch Courageous.  I looove Fireproof (although, I must saying the acting isn't exactly the best) and have been wanting to see Courageous for ages.  We watched it with my family yesterday.  It was even better than Fireproof...if that's possible, right?  I much.  And laughed.  And who doesn't want that from a movie??  If you haven't seen it yet.  DO IT!

6. I've been watching Once Upon A Time on Netflix...Chris wasn't very interested but I think something just appeals to me about the thought of Story Book characters living in the "real" world.  Plus it has an interesting spin on the beloved stories we're all used to.

7. I was just on Facebook and saw this meme:

I died.  The "ermahgersh" meme's make me laugh.  So hard.  For no reason really.  Although it's become a sort of "inside joke" with Chris and I.  Anywho, after a good laugh I had to google Lumen Fidei.  I found this website with some highlights from the Pope's first encyclical! 

Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. Courageous is such a good movie! I've seen it many times (we own a copy) and I always cry and laugh each time! So glad you were able to watch it.

    Stopping by via Conversion Diary. I'd love to visit with you at my blog too! (

    1. After finally seeing it, I definitely want my own copy as well! Thanks for stopping by, I'm glad you found my blog so I could find yours :-)

  2. The deck looks fabulous! Oh my lower case husband introduced me to Once upon a Time cause he really liked it, we love watching that show! I think we're half way through the first season:)

    1. I have officially watched the first season! (It's really bad how easy it is to sit and watch multiple episodes at a time haha) I can't wait til the second season comes to Netflix!

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