Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Almost a Newlywed no longer...

This Sunday, June 16th, is our FIRST wedding anniversary.  I am so incredibly excited and am finding it hard to believe that a year has already flown by.

We decided to take a more economical approach and head up to the Hamptons in NY where Chris' grandfather has a house.  This way we are still "getting away" but don't need to spend any money on accommodations.  Chris tried to squash my mental image of the Hamptons which includes a lot of awful popped colars and women who wear 5 inch heels 24/7 while drinking a martini and ordering "the help" around.  This image brought to you by another guilty pleasure TV show, Revenge.  Apparently we won't be in that part of the Hamptons. Phew.

Honestly, I don't care where we go, as long as I get to spend some quality time with Chris remembering our wedding day a year ago and looking forward to our future together.

When I tell people that we were married last June, their first question is usually, "So how is it going?"  And when I enthusiastically tell them how much I am enjoying married life they tend to look at me like I've just stepped off a spaceship from another planet.  I remember getting fingerprinted for my job and the woman who was helping me commented on my rings and asked how long I had been married.  At the time it was more like 6 months.  She then asked the, "So how's it going" questions and I gave my response.  She then said how nice that was to hear since more often than not she usually hears from newlyweds how miserable they are within the first 3 months of marriage!  I was shocked...and then began to wonder if there was something wrong with Chris and I.  Were we a fluke?  Sure we've had our "spats" here and there, but over stupid things and they usually lasted oh...30 seconds.  Was this "too good to be true?"

Even when we were dating I used to ask myself why we didn't fight more (talk about a healthy view of relationships, huh)  Chris would patiently respond, "Tiff, I think it's a good thing we don't fight, not a bad thing.  We can actually talk about our differences without blowing up at each other"  Oh.  Yea.  I guess you're right.

It makes me sad that:

1. Our society has become so used to seeing couples married less than a year have some difficulties and promptly end said marriage.  What happened to the covenant, the vows they make before their friends and God, the sacrament they have entered into?


2. Apparently I have, in some small way, given into society's view.  How is is that I worry about my marriage because we enjoy each other.  We have fun together.  We laugh.  We openly talk about things and when things do get heated, we are able to come back down from it without leaving any wounds behind.  When did the images of a "healthy" marriage get flipped in my head?

Just some Wednesday morning thoughts...Thanks to those who sent me book recommendations, I'm going to either download or pick them up today to bring with me this weekend.

Before I go, I'll leave you with this cute "meme" that totally resonates with me...I can't find a picture to show up, but it says "A reporter asked the couple: "How did you manage to stay together for 65 years." The Woman replied: "We were born in a time when if something was broken we would fix it, not throw it away."



  1. Totally agree that not seeing eye to eye doesn't necessarily mean fighting. Happy early anniversary; have so much fun on your trip!!

  2. Happy anniversary Tiffany! Hope the weather is nice in the Hampton's for your getaway...we're doing a special staycation for our anniversary on the 22nd!


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