Friday, June 28, 2013

7 Quick Takes Vol 5

I'm going to do my best to actually keep these "quick."  Head over to Conversion Diary for more quick takes!

1. God is so good.  This week I noticed an opening for a counseling position at a Catholic high school that I had emailed earlier this year to send my resume.  AND THEN yesterday I got a call from one of the Christian counseling centers I had sent my resume to months ago and they want me to come in for an interview!  Not only is this place a faith based counseling center but it is also like a 5 minute drive from our house.  My interview is July 8th and I'm still waiting to hear back from the school so any and all prayers much appreciated!

2. Tomorrow we start the great deck building!  Chris' parents and brothers are coming down tonight and will be getting to work on everything tomorrow.  I am so pumped.  Pictures will follow.  I cannot wait to grill.  mmmm

3. I have officially jumped on the green smoothie bandwagon (I hate it when I actually like the "trends" of the day) They're healthy, delicious, and fairly simple to make.  I've made one for Chris and I every day so far.  Woo fruits and veggies

4. My poor mother has thrown out her back and has been in such pain she's hardly been able to move.  I keep telling her to see a doctor but she has no interest.  I went to visit her earlier this week and while there I ransacked her library.  I now finally have my own copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Rediscovering Catholicism (I've heard this is really good, can any back that statement up?), and quite a few encyclicals including Deus Caritas Est, Humanae Vitae, and Familiaris Consortio.  I also found a couple short books introducing Padre Pio and St. Faustina.  I am familiar with them, but Chris less so.

5. I have another good recipe for you to check out.  It's a Turkey Enchilada Casserole.  We love this recipe.  I made it a lot in the first few months of our marriage but then I think we got tired of it.  Made it again last night, and oh man is it good.

6. One of my best friends from high school just told me that she is engaged!!  I am so happy for her and can't wait to celebrate with her and her fiance.  It's always so nice when someone you care about tells you they're getting married, or having a baby, or something nice just happens for them!

7.  I am still pretty new to blogging but I am so amazed and in awe of the blogs I have begun following.  There are some amazingly fantastic and inspiring people out there.  People who will reach out to help other even when they are miles away.  Like what Cari is doing for Dwija and her family.  My prayers go out to Dwija and her baby, and God bless the blogging world and their generosity.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!


  1. Tiffany, I just love your blog! I'm glad you commented so I was able to find it. :) Funny coincidence, my husband also went to Rutgers (Class of 2010). Love your #7 - the blog world really is something special!

    1. Thanks so much Tess, I enjoy your blog too! And what a small world :-)


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