Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Anniversary ABCs part 2

Annd lets begin with Part 2

Programs: Chris and I made our programs ourselves and had them printed from Kinkos.  And let me just say...we don't give graphic designers enough credit lol It was quite labor intensive and time consuming but I loved how they turned out!

Question Popping: You can read more about our story leading up to the question popping here

Rings: Chris and I had talked about rings and I had always talked about how I wanted something "antiquey" (not a real word, I know).  I cared more about the details on the ring than the diamond (not entirely true, but somewhat).  Chris' best man had recently got engaged and recommended a store and Chris coyly suggested we take a trip to the store.  He had secretly gone earlier to pick out rings he thought I might like and asked the owner to make sure they were out when we can.  I feel in love with one that he had picked out...although I didn't know it at the time.  And it had a matching wedding band so that was awesome.  Chris wanted something simple and strong so he chose a simple band of titanium.

Shoes: I love the look of high heels...however I was not born with much grace lol Therefore high heels + me often = me falling flat on my butt. So, knowing this about myself I knew I did not want very high heels and wanted something comfortable to wear all day.  I loved my shoes, they were the perfect height and super comfortable all night.

Tuxes: Chris and his groomsmen wore traditional black tuxes.  His groomsmen had gray ties while Chris wore an off white tie.  

Unique: Every wedding is unique in and of itself, isn't it?  But lets see...there were a few things that I would consider unique since we did them ourselves
     1. I wrapped votive candles in lace to be scattered around each table (do you sense the "lace" theme of our weddings? lol)
     2. I also made our place cards...this was a Pinterest find that I LOVED and  it fit into the "theme" perfectly.  I really loved how they turned out.

     3. Chris came up with the idea for our table numbers and guest book.  We bought 13 bottles of wine, printed out labels with numbers and then bought pens that would write on glass.  So each bottle was the table number and the guest book.  And, for each anniversary, we plan to drink that wine. 

     4. Something Chris used to talk about in passing was how he always wanted a bagpiper at his wedding.  I wanted to surprise him (and show him I do listen!) so we hired a bagpiper to play as people entered and left the church.  He was fantastic.

Vows: Chris and I spoke traditional wedding vows.  I remember being so nervous to be up in front of everyone talking but I just told myself to focus on what I was vowing to my husband, promising in front of God and our friends and family.  When the time came, it felt as though it were just Chris and I and the words we spoke were incredibly powerful.

I, Tiffany, take you, Christopher, to be my husband.
I, Christopher, take you, Tiffany, to be my wife.

I promise to be true to you,
in good times and in bad,
in sickness and in health.
I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.

Wedding Woes:  The only wedding woe there was, was in the morning when the florist delivered our bouquets.  My mother handles stress less than well and came to me in a panic.  The bouquets were nothing like what we had talked about and were literally doused with glitter.  My mom freaked and the woman re-did them as fast as she could.  Oh, the other wedding woe was that my father's tux was missing.  For some reason it had not been delivered when it should have and my dad had to drive to another neighboring town to retrieve it.  But honestly...thanks to my sister mostly and my bridesmaids I let these things brush off and trusted that it would all be taken care of.

eXit:  Honestly...I can't say that we did this...We stayed in the hotel that night and did not really have a grand exit or anything.  But I was ok with that.  Everyone was having a good time and once the party ended for the reception I know the rest of our guests went on to the hotel bar to continue the party while Chris and I slipped away to our suite lol

Zzz...The End:

His face cracks me up here

We love to sing and dance, can you tell?
And they lived happily ever after

Well, this was fun.  And such a great way to remember our special day one year ago.  We were, and continue to be, incredibly blessed

1 comment:

  1. Your programs look so beautiful...I was the word antiquey too! ;-)
    Jim's wedding band is very similar to your husband's, too funny!
    I love your favors and wrapping the votive candles in lace and the special idea of the wine bottle (what a special idea)...your wedding day looks like it was an elegant, classy event! So much fun looking back at it all, isn't it? :)


I am so grateful you decided to stop by! Your comments are always welcome, I just please ask for you to be kind with your words.