Sunday, November 3, 2013

What I Wore Sunday + fingerless mittens

I can't believe it's November.  Seriously, where has this year gone?  I know the year isn't over yet, but it's hard to believe how much has changed since January, ya know?

Linking up with Fine Linen and Purple for What I Wore Sunday.

Buster, what an attention hog ;-)

Dress: Maurices
Boots and leggings: Kohls

Our priest talked about this story and how perhaps Pope Francis saw Christ in this little boy.  Sounds about right, doesn't it?  Unless we become like little children...

The Gospel today reminded me of a song I used to listen to when I was reeeeally young.    It was a cassette (wow, remember those?) called...either Little is Much, or Big Steps for Little Feet (or maybe neither of those, I can't quite remember).  Anyway, they were Christian children's songs...and I distinctly remember one verse that went
"Zacchaeus was small, he could not see
So he climbed up high in a tree
Jesus said come down and follow me
and listen to the words that I speak"  (this is from those lyrics could be very, very wrong but you get the idea)

I'm pretty sure I learned about Zacchaeus from this song!  I can't find you'll just have to take my word for it that it was a cute song/cassette.

Ok, I'm done rambling about my childhood now...time for another shameless plug!  Check out my latest listing on Etsy for these Crochet Fingerless Mittens

These are the very first things I ever crocheted.  And to this day they are my favorite.  Especially for someone whose hands are constantly cold.

Speaking of crochet, I'm thinking of trying my hand at creating crochet patterns...I'll probably start with something simple, but we'll see.  If I come up with something decent, I'll post it!

Finally, I love fall and fall colors...and I feel pretty darn lucky that I get this view from our deck...

Ok, I'm done my ramblings, head over to FLAP for other more fashionable ladies!  Happy Sunday!


  1. Love your dress, and the mittens look great!

  2. Purple is always a nice color. In Autumn and in Winter it adds glory to the daylight.:)


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