Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Life's blessings

Well here is my attempt at not slacking on blogging.

I have something super exciting and wonderful to blog about.  My newest goddaughter has finally graced us with her presence!  Sweet Emma Jane was born yesterday at 2:06 p.m., after 21 hours of labor (yes, my friend is a rock star!)

For their privacy I won't be posting any pictures, but seriously, just take my word for it that she is absolutely ahhhdorable!  I got the photo text announcing her birth while standing in the chip isle of Wegmans....I then started crying in the middle of the chip isle in Wegmans.  The picture they chose to send out as an "announcement" is just seriously one of the most heartwarming pictures.  My friend Kathleen is holding sweet Emma and they're looking at each other and there is just so much love, joy, pride on her face (Kathleen's face, Emma's looked more like "so this is the face attached to the voice I've been hearing these past 9 months").  That is what brought me to tears.  How precious this little being is.  How loved.  How wanted.

It boggles my mind when people tell me not to worry about having kids any time soon.  I'm still so young!  I've only been married a year!  I need time for my career!  blah di freakin blah.  Then as I'm perusing the interweb (does anyone call it that these days?) I see "article" after "article" on why you don't want kids.  Sweet, innocent, snuggly bundles of joy?  Oh, the horror!  (I know they're not always bundles of joy, I'm not that naive, I promise)  Children are just such blessings.  I don't really know how to see them as anything else.

Ok, stepping down off my soap box now...I was just incredibly excited to share the news of Emma's birth.  Now I'm just waiting for the "OK" from the parents to go visit them and love on baby Emma!  I want to make a little basket for them, and bring some dinner.  Do any mothers out there have any recommendations on things people brought you after you had your baby that was super helpful?

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