Friday, August 16, 2013

7 Quick Takes - The Birthday Edition!

Linking up with Jen for a BIRTHDAY edition of 7 Quick Takes

1. Just in case you missed out on the hints...Today is my birthday :-)  26.  Whoa.  I'm on the other side of 25 now...30 is right around the corner.  Oh geez.  I don't really feel 26 though...I feel more like I'm 16.  Sometimes I look around at my life - Masters degree, married, own a house, want to be a mother - and I'm like, who let me grow up?!  I'm not old enough for all of this!  Oh but I am...

2. Chris and I decided we'd both try and take today off...he was able to, and my work decided to schedule a mandatory meeting with a surprise baby shower for a coworker after.  I'm excited for this coworker though.  I made a diaper cake for her, and I gave her one of my newborn owl hats.  She loved them, and people didn't believe I actually made the hat.

3. I got out of my shower this morning and came downstairs to see a place at the table set with turkey bacon, eggs over easy (just how I like them) and coffee in my favorite mug.  My husband is amazing.
I like to collect mugs

4. When I got home from work there was a card taped to the door of our freezer that said "Read me first, then open the fridge"  I read the card...which made me cry then opened the freezer.  oops.  After looking around and only seeing frozen meat (and wondering if I was missing some soft of dirty joke) I realized the card said fridge, no freezer.  Way to pay attention, Tiffany.  When I opened the fridge I found chocolate covered strawberries that he made himself.  They were delicious.

5. I love how on your birthday all of these people who you haven't talked to since...high school? come out of the woodwork to wish you a happy birthday.  No, I'm serious.  I love it.  It shouldn't...but it really does make me feel special, that even if it took only 10 seconds out of their day, they still took those 10 seconds to wish me a Happy Birthday.

6. Tonight my parents and Chris and I went to a dinner theatre (Tobys) to see Les Miserables.  I love musicals, and oh. my. gosh. was this one good.  Chris and I had recently seen the movie, which I loved, but seeing it on stage was so fantastic.  Their voices were ahmazing.  And I know have "Do you hear the people sing..." stuck in my head.

7. Today was wonderful.  Thank you to my amazing husband for making the day special from the moment I woke up.  Thank you to everyone who called me, sent me a text, sent me a facebook message, wrote on my wall, sent a carrier pigeon, and smoke signals.  You all are the best.


  1. Happy birthday! I collect coffee mugs too...even though I don't drink coffee, lol! More a hot chocolate and tea kinda gal ;)
    have a great weekend!

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