Thursday, August 15, 2013

August 15

Today marks six years since a good friend of mine from high school passed away.

For some reason it's been hitting me pretty hard this week.

My friend Doug was killed in a head on collision early the morning of August 15, 2007.  I can still remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I got the call about what had happened.  My birthday is August 16.  However, my mother likes to say I should have been born the 15th and therefore, she likes to "celebrate" on the 15th...because then I would have been born on the Feast of the Assumption.  Every year we would go to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in D.C.  We would go to confession and Mass together and that is how my birthday festivities have started for many, many years (until this year, sadly...darn work).  So, the morning of August 15th 2007 I was in my bedroom getting ready to go to the basilica with my mom.  One of my best friends from high school, Kelly (the one who recently got engaged!) called me that morning to tell me the news.

I was in shock.  Literally.  I am a processer by nature and it takes some time for things to really sink in.  Plus, I knew I had to keep a strong face on for my mom because she knew Doug, and loved him.  I tried to tell her as calmly as possible while we were driving to mass.  We both broke down, and offered up that mass for the repose of his soul.  His funeral was three days later.  There was not a dry eye in the place, nor was there a free seat.  Doug was beloved by many.  To this day, it is hard for me to listen to "I Can Only Imagine" without tearing up.

Lets back up a bit to why this person was so special.

I was an awkward freshman girl: braces, glasses, and all.  (Although maybe by this time I had discovered how amazing contacts are...) I had all of my usual freshman classes and I was in the choir.  In that first whirlwind of a week, I began to notice this verrrry tall, lanky, cute boy who was in a few of my classes, including choir.  He had this infectious laugh, and seemed to be friends with everyone, no matter what "social circle" they were in.  We soon became friends, joking around, laughing, studying yada yada.  Annnd soon enough I had a bit of a crush on this boy.  And by a bit I mean my friends and I had "code names" for him and we analyzed every little thing he would say to try and decipher if he liked me.

Freshman year went by and we just became really good friends.  We sang together in choir (he had a fantastic tenor voice), we sat next to each other in Spanish class, we were on the freshman activities committee and helped build the float for the Homecoming parade.  He got to know my friends, and I got to know his.

Sophomore year we both tried out and made it to Concert Choir (I can't remember if this was actually what it was called, but it was a step above choir and a step below Madrigals).  He wasn't in as many of my classes but we still had choir and sophomore committee.  He invited me over for some of his pool parties and I got to meet his family (wonderful people) my mom and sister met him a few times and loved him.  He was so friendly, personable and kind.  Homecoming came around that year and I remember wanting him to ask me soo badly.  One day, I came home and found a message on our machine (gosh, remember having a "machine" for phone messages?)  His first call asked something about our Spanish homework. His second call said he realized we didn't have Spanish homework...but could I call him back anyway.  I called, we talked, he got nervous, and asked me to homecoming!  I was a giddy little school girl - no, literally, I was a giddly little school girl.  Homecoming was fun...awkward (I had never been on any semblance of a date) but fun.  A picture of us from Homecoming was posted on a couple photo boards in the funeral home...I immediately lost it when I saw it.

Doug and I remained friends through high school, but sadly grew apart in college.  But to this day I remember him as one of the nicest, friendliest, funniest men I have ever met.  He was nice to everyone...the whole concept of a "clique" was foreign to him.  At 6'6" he truly was a gentle giant.

I miss you Doug, but I am thankful for the memories and times we did have.

To quote a song from the musical "Wicked" -- "Because I knew you, I have been changed for good"
Superman for our Homecoming Float
my surprise Sweet Sixteen...Doug was the only guy lol
I wish I had the picture of us from Homecoming...but it's at my parents house.  

Anyways, if you all could send up some prayers in remembrance of Doug today, on this special feast in the church, that would be wonderful.  It was quite therapeutic to write this all out, felt like a nice way to remember him today.

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