Saturday, August 10, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Woo!  I've missed posting 7 Quick Takes!

1. Our goddaughter has arrived!  I wrote a whole post about this, but Emma Jane was born Monday August 5 at 2:06 p.m.  After 21 hours of labor!  We haven't gotten to see her/hold her/love on her yet but we've been given the "we're ready for visitors" ok so I'm hoping to go sooner rather than later!

2. Yesterday, a friend of mine from college who I have fallen out of touch with sent me a message saying that she had found my blog through Instagram and read the whole thing.  It literally made my day.  You wonder (well, I wonder) if anyone actually reads this, and am shocked if people actually enjoy it.  So it was nice to get a message from an old friend, and to hear her appreciation.  Thanks Erin :-)

3. I had started writing these quick takes before I went in to work with the intention of finishing them when I got home (which is what I'm doing) however, my day at work was so atrocious, I'm worried these are going to suddenly take on a negative spin.  My employer "overlooked" me for pay day aka I didn't get my direct deposit today which we sorely needed.  So I had to drive about 45+ min out of my way to pick up my check, then deposit it, then drive another 45+ min back home.  I know, I know, at least I have a pay check.  This is the second time this has happened though, and it's getting old.  It took a lot to keep a smile on my face when the lady handed me my check.

4. Buster's allergies are acting up again.  We thought we had figured it all out and he would be ok...but no such luck.  His face is so itchy and he has scabs all over.  He keeps licking his paws and tail until they bleed so we have to keep him in one of those Elizabethan collars.  Poor pup, it breaks my heart.  We've tried the vet recommended allergy testing...aka bye bye savings.  We're at our wits end, Buster's miserable, there really isn't anything else to do.  Heres hoping he allergy tests tell us something.

5. Have any of you heard of Opus Dei?  My family has been a part of Opus Dei for as long as I can remember.  Last night I went to one of their Women's night of recollection.  There are 2 small talks given by a priest about a particular virtue (last night was temperance) and then one of the women gives a talk (last night was how to teach your children virtues).  Theres opportunity for confession and adoration as well.  It was so nice.  It's very different from the other women's group I'm a part of which is all girls my age and is much less formal.  But I feel like by going to both I'm getting a nice well-rounded enrichment

6. Ok.  I'm going to admit something.  I have a bit of a baby fever.  I'm not saying I'm pregnant...just that I sure wouldn't mind if I was!  The desire to be a mom has always been there for me...but the desire has definitely been growing steadily.  Chris and I talk about it a lot more and he wants a baby too...he's just so worried about money.  I keep reminding him to trust in His Will and reminding him that He will take care of us.  And practically speaking, I can still work while I'm pregnant and while I really don't want to work when we have kids I could always work part time or stay on full time if we were really struggling.  My mom and sister would be appalled, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do.

7. One of my coworkers is pregnant and she wanted me to make her some booties/photo props for when her little girl arrives.  She loves owls so I found this hat pattern.  I'm obsessed.  I want to mass produce these.  I still need to get black buttons for the eyes...but I had to post some pictures.  I literally made this in a few hours.

Check out Conversion Diary for more reads!  Have a good weekend everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gracious that owl hat is so cute! Men always worry about the money issue and children...they just do. The Opus Dei talk sound neat. I'm going to have to check out and see if there are any near here.


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