Sunday, July 28, 2013

What I Wore Sunday plus some other thoughts

So...I seem to have gone a bit awol this past week and I'm not really sure why.  Yes, work was a bit crazier than usual.  Yes, we had company (Chris' grandparents) over one night.  Yes, I tried to keep up with house chores plus assessments/diagnoses/treatment plans.  But I reality I should have had time to post something.  I think, if I'm honest with myself, it had a little to do with a comment someone made to me about blogging.

I was going to put this in a separate blog post, but hey, why not include it in this one.  I was talking with someone about blogging and how I've recently started my own blog.  I was actually encouraging this person to start a blog...knowing them well, I just have a feeling their blog would relate to so many people, on so many different levels.  Anyway, she told me she had thought about it, but when talking it over with her husband, he said something to the effect that blogging is narcissistic and just a way for people to talk about themselves in this "all about me" society.  Ouch.  I know she didn't mean it to come across as "You're narcissistic for blogging" but I struggled with that thought.  Was I narcissistic?  Is the only reason I'm blogging to get attention?  Is that why other people blog?  A. I hope not B. No, I actually started a blog as a way to connect with other like-minded people and C. After reading and following so many inspiring blogs, I find it hard to believe that their motive was a self-centered one.

I'm sure there are people out there blogging from the  planet "look at me, look at me" ("10 Things I Hate About You", anyone?) mentality, but the blogs that I have come to love certainly aren't.  I see blogs, and blogging as a way of reaching out.  Building a community.  Helping others who may be going through similar situations to feel less alone.  A prayer network.  It's amazing how encouraged I've been, how inspired to grow in faith, based on what I read in some people's blogs.  "You will know them by their fruits" Matt 7:16  If the fruits of these blogs that I am following is an increase in faith, I would hardly think blogging is narcissistic.  Now, I am not sure how "inspiring" my blog is, but that's something to aspire to, right?  Or, even if it's just that my blog is helping in building more on that sense of "community" I've felt in the blogosphere...that's ok with me too.  But hey, let me know if I'm being narcissistic and coming at you from planet "Look at Me, Look at Me" that you've read my ramblings, I'll leave you with the outfit I wore to mass today.  Extra proof of my love of pink and brown.

Shirt and Skirt are thrifted from 2nd Ave and the espadrilles are a repeat from Old Navy.  Buster's posing nicely, isn't he?  Today's gospel is one of my favorites.  And for some reason, is really speaking to my heart today.    
 "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you"
  I need to remember this, and have faith knowing that God is looking out for me and has my best interests in mind, I need simply ask.  Chris and I have been talking more about growing our family.  He is still very concerned about finances (as I student loans are killing us) but today it really stuck out to me that no matter what, God will provide for us.  We need only ask and trust in His will for us.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend :-)  Head on over to Fine Linen and Purple for more lovely Sunday fashion inspirations


  1. Ha! I love the 10 Things reference. And you're right- there is definitely a great blogging community full of inspiring and holy people.
    Cute Sunday outfit!!

  2. I've wondered about the blogging = narcissism argument before, too, and came to a similar conclusion. Why do we journal? Why do we share stories with friends? To understand our experiences with better perspective and to build community. Blogging, at its best, combines the two. (Of course blogging can be misused, but so can everything! The solution is to use things correctly, not abandon them; especially when most of the time the problem is in our own fallen tendencies, not the thing itself.)

    Also, I love your outfit! And extra kudos for the 10 Things reference ;)


I am so grateful you decided to stop by! Your comments are always welcome, I just please ask for you to be kind with your words.