Sunday, July 7, 2013


 Happy Sunday all!

Linking up with FLAP for What I Wore Sunday

Details.  The dress is thrifted.  and I LOVE it.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a slight obsession with the colors brown and pink together.  So this dress basically screamed at me from the racks to buy it.  I kindly obliged.  Shoes are from Old Navy from aaages ago.  Cami is Aeropostale.  Also from ages ago.

Today we went to a different church than we normally go to.  There are two churches close to us, one closer than the other.  We are actually parishioners at the church closest to us.  We loved the strong feeling of community we got walking into the church.  We really like the other church too, but it's a larger parish and while the church itself is stunningly beautiful, we felt more at home at the other parish.  However, downside is that church only has two (English) mass times, 8 a.m. (yea, not happening) and 10 a.m.  Which we usually can easily make it to, but there are some morning (ok, a lot of mornings) where we drag our feet and before we know it we've missed our window to make it to 10 a.m.  So we go to the other church which has many more mass times.  I feel like we're parishioners at both that even possible?

Yesterday Chris and I went shopping for a grill and a patio set.  Success on the grill front but not so much with the patio set.  Couldn't find anything we liked, in our budget, that would fit.  So we'll keep looking.  We had burgers and veggies last night for dinner and I'll just say...Chris is a grill master ;-)  Here's proof:
barefoot grill master

Burgers and veggies, yum!
While Chris was grilling, I decided to make us a pitcher of mojitos.  We both were craving them.  So I found a "recipe" for a pitcher and proceeded to squeeze a cup of fresh lime juice (we take our drinks seriously up in hurr)...never again.  I'm sure squeezing fresh is better than using store bought stuff but oh man was it time consuming...and literally as I have like a 1/4 cup left to squeeze, not even, Chris goes, "Couldn't you have used the juicer attachment on the Kitchenaid?" *sigh* Totally forgot about that.  After the lime juice I added the mint and muddled the mint...we even bought a muddler (not to be confused with Muggles).  Then in goes the simple syrup (didn't make this ourselves, I'll try it next time) rum and club soda.  Deeeelicious.
Our "bar"

Heaven in a glass

So we enjoyed our mojitos, burgers and veggies while watching Silver Linings Playbook.  
Which I had heard mixed reviews about but I wanted to watch it simply for the psychological aspects.  There were a ton of "F bombs" dropped and I couldn't shake the "he's still married!" thought.  But, like I said, I loved it from a psychological mind.  Although I did not like how they portrayed his therapist...not accurate at all.  No therapist would play a song "just to see if it was still a trigger."  All in all it was an interesting movie with some funny parts...questionable morals, but interesting thinking about diagnoses and the mental health side of it.

Our weekend has been lovely, I hope yours has as well!

I'll leave you with a picture of our adorable pup
Can you handle the cute?


  1. Pink and brown is such a pretty combo! The dress is lovely and your dinner looks delish!

  2. mmm- grilled food and mojitos sounds amazing! You look great- I really like pink and brown together too. And those shoes are too cute!

  3. Very pretty dress. :)


  4. You look lovely! Great dress. .. When Pat and I were newlyweds we had two parishes nearby but out favorite was about 30 min away. It had a noon mass we tried to go to, and we called it the "early mass." Our fallback was the 12:30 at a closer parish. Anything earlier than noon was the "crack of dawn mass." :-)

  5. Thank you ladies! And Laura Christine, I'm glad we're not the only ones! :-)


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