Sunday, July 21, 2013

What I Wore Sunday #5

Can kinda see my shoes here...
This was a "oops forgot to take a picture" moment

Happy beginning of NFP Awareness week!  I know a lot of people are planning on writing about NFP and I would certainly like to add my own piece, I just need to write it!  If you do write something, make sure you join the link up with Katie at NFP and Me

Anywho, back to the WIWS link up.  My maxi skirt is from Target, the shirt...I want to say Kohls, but not positive and the gold sandals I believe are from Kohls or Target?  And the dog is from the Washington Animal Rescue League.

I always love the gospel about Martha and Mary.  Probably because my mom's name is Martha, and she and the biblical Martha may as well have been identical.  I enjoyed the perspective our deacon gave this morning about how more often than not people now a days are "Martha's," always on the go with a million things on their plate.  I definitely feel that way...a lot.  There are times when I feel stretched to my limit between working, balancing time with Chris, our families, our friends, house projects, weddings I'm in etc.  And sadly, I am ashamed to admit, that time sitting at Jesus' feet seems to fall to the back burner.  My prayer life seems to be the first things I neglect...but boy does God remind me real quick about how much I need my prayer life, that time sitting in silence, soaking up His presence.  Without prayer, without that time at Jesus' feet, everything else becomes overwhelming and feels like I can't handle it.  Because I can't.  Not without His grace.  It can be difficult sometimes to find that Martha-Mary balance, but I pray that I find it so that I don't lose my drive to serve others, to be there for others while continuing to keep my prayer life and God as the priority and driving force behind all I do.

I feel like that was quite a ramble...but bottom line, I hope everyone had a blessed, enjoyable Sunday.  Hope the week to come goes well, and again, Happy NFP Awareness :-) Pro Woman, Pro Man, Pro Child

Check back with the ladies at FLAP for more What I Wore Sunday posts containing much more fashionable women than I!

1 comment:

  1. I need a maxi skirt like that! I go to target weekly and somehow missed it.
    Thanks for the heads-up on the NFP link-up! I think it's an important thing to wrote about and haven't had the courage to yet.


I am so grateful you decided to stop by! Your comments are always welcome, I just please ask for you to be kind with your words.