Friday, July 19, 2013

7 Quick Takes Numero Siete

I will try and keep these short and sweet again...I have a tendency to ramble which kind of goes against the whole "quick" part.

1. I have discovered two websites that will be the downfall of my bank account.  One, Knitpicks.  And two, Zulily.  I seriously need to take a picture of my yarn stash.  I cannot turn down a yarn sale...and those coupons Michaels sends out...death traps I tell you, death traps.  But yarn for $2?!  Come one, how can you say no??  And Zulily.  The prices.  The cute!...the prices!

2. When it comes to reading and crochet projects I have major ADD.  To illustrate, I am currently reading 4 different the same time.  I think because they are each so different I can choose which one I want to read at different points in the day/week.  The first book I am reading is Rediscover Catholicism.    I literally just started this one, but I am already hooked, I was literally yelling outloud, "Yes, YES, Exactly!!" when I read things like
"There is genius in Catholicism, if we will just take the time and make the effort to humbly explore it" 
"There is nothing wrong with Catholicism that can't be fixed by what is right with Catholicism" 
And my favorite so far:
"If sixty-seven million Catholics in the United States stepped it up a notch, something incredible would happen"(Kelly, 2010).

YES!  Let's start a revolution!  An evangelistic revolution!
How the book looks right now, coffee at hand and highlighter ready
The other books I am reading are Eragon (YA science fiction), Anne of Green Gables ( I am rereading these beloved books of mine since I found the ENTIRE kindle set on Amazon for .99), and Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal Longing (I've been reading this for a while, got halfway thru, and wanted to go back and reread and highlight - yes, I am a nerd).

3. I have been doing a lot more assessments at work which has been a huge learning experience for me.    I am loving having the chance to get to know the clients, their families, and their backgrounds in more detail.  I am also becoming much more familiar with the DSM IV-TR (although soon I will need to be familiar with the DSM V) and diagnosing.  Although, I am realizing that I have a difficult time giving someone a diagnosis.  I don't like the thought of a "label" following them around for the rest of their lives.  But I know it helps them receive the services they need and helps the clinician properly treat the client.

4. My friend that I mentioned got engaged is going wedding dress shopping this weekend and I am so excited to go with her!  Hearing her planning her wedding is bring back such awesome memories of planning my own.

5.  Yesterday was an interesting day for me.  I went to daily mass with my mom, which was nice since we don't get the opportunity to go together as much.  Then, I got a notice from our county about the real estate taxes we owed.  Let's just say Chris and I had a minor freak out as we literally saw our entire savings, plus some, going down the taxes drain.  But, we then learned (we're first time homebuyes, we didn't know this stuff) that built into our mortgage payments is escrow for the taxes.  If our escrow doesn't cover the tax increase (which it didn't) then we only need to pay the difference, not the full amount.  *HUGE sigh of relief*  And then, on one of the hottest days of the week, the AC in my car decides to die.  So took that in to the shop and got that fixed and needed front brake pads replaced.  Oy.  But, I tried to see the silver least we were able to get it fixed (although it took a while for me to see any sort of silver lining)

6.  I am late to every party.  What I am speaking about specifically here, is the Lost party.  The TV show.  I just started watching it on Netflix at the urging of my husband.  And whoa.  Mind.  Blown.  I am hooked.  Although apparently the last season is awful or something?  Don't know, don't care.  I am enjoying it now.

7. I am trying to incorporate more prayer time as a couple for Chris and I.  We go to mass together, we say grace before dinner, and we say little prayers here and there but I want more.  We need more.  How do you all incorporate prayer as a couple/family into your daily lives?  I would love to hear from you!

Have a beautiful, blessed weekend everyone!  Stay cool!  Head over to Jen's @ Conversion Diary for more 7QT!


  1. Zulily is great for so many things, and wedding dress shopping is so much fun!

    1. Wedding dress shopping was a success for her! yay! and I'm enjoying Zulily probably a little too much haha

  2. I stumbled upon your blog the other day and I have the same book, Rediscover Catholicism, sitting on my nightstand! It is a great read so far :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you're enjoying the book, I am too, I'm happy I picked it up :-) Thanks again for stopping by!

  3. Hello! Found you through Camp Patton. Great to see other young Catholic couples living out their faith :) My mom has been reading Rediscover Catholicism and has been telling me how great it is. Sounds very inspiring! My hubby and I have been trying to pray together more. We're like you...go to Mass together, Grace before dinner, prayers here and there. We find it difficult because I am away working all day and he works in the evenings 3 days a week so we don't see enough of each other. When we DO see each other we have been saying evening prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours. We also decided to do some spiritual reading. We are reading "The Imitation of Christ" by Thomas A. Kempes ( It's so so good! The chapters are short so we just read one or two at a time together. It gives us something to meditate on and talk about. Hope you have a wonderful week!


I am so grateful you decided to stop by! Your comments are always welcome, I just please ask for you to be kind with your words.