Friday, May 31, 2013

7 Quick Takes Vol 2

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!

Check out more 7 Quick Takes here!

1. Last weekend I started working on a spring wreath for our front door a la Pinterest (I have a slight addiction).  Recently, we've also been testing leaving Buster out of his crate for a few hours a day while we go to the gym/run errands.  The other night I broke a cardinal rule of dog ownership and left my work in progress wreath on the floor...where Buster found it and promptly tore it to shreds.  He even chewed through the cord of the hot glue gun I had just bought.  *sigh*  Not his fault, but boy did that test my patience...

What the wreath will (hopefully) look like

2. Because of said ingestion of wreath, Buster has since woken us up the past two nights at 4 a.m. throwing up pieces of this wreath. He's fine...but again, my patience has not been. Needless to say, my prayer often this week has been "Lord, give me patience." I then just try and remind myself that someday Baby O will be here and I will be waking up way more than just at 4 a.m. and maybe this is God's way of giving me a little practice...maybe

3. Since we are talking about my dog...I'm gonna go ahead and ask for some prayers, I've personally been saying some to St. Francis. Buster is such a good dog, but he has had a lot of medical problems. A couple months after we adopted him we noticed he was chewing on his tail, to the point that it became this angry red sore. Took him to the vet and have to continue taking him to the vet almost every month since for a variety of itching/chewing reasons. Our vet put him on steroids, antihistamines, gave us a soothing shampoo to use on him but none of that worked - in fact, he got worse, losing fur and itching everywhere often to the point of making himself bleed. We put him on a grain free chicken free food and made sure his treats were the same but nothing was working so our vet told us to see a vet dermatologist. We left the derm's office with antibiotics for a skin infection, ear drops for an ear infection, shampoo for skin infection, and medication for mange. He couldn't say positively that Buster did or did not have mange so we're kind of hoping he did and the meds work. He has officially been off all the meds for about a week now...and while he's been a little itchy, it's nothing like it used to be and I'm praying we're done with monthly visits to the vet! Our poor lil guy

4. In last Friday's 7QT I talked about showing a video project to our students (here) Well, our principal loved it so much that he wants to do an exhibit with it and have a panel discussion with the boys and their parents! Super exciting, but we only have a week to get everything together. So far we've been doing pretty well, but it's been taking up a lot of our time and I haven't been able to see my client's like I should be. This will be something nice to do for the boys though and I'm excited/nervous and hoping everything goes smoothly

5. Last night was the second night of the Women's study group I go to. We read the book of Ruth and talked about what stood out to us from this Bible story. Two things that stuck out for me from our discussion are how Ruth's words to Na'omi are reminiscent of wedding vows, "Where you go I will go and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and Your God will be my God. Where you die, I will die and there will I be buried" (Ruth 1:16-18). Is this not more or less what we are promising to our husbands/wives as we say our wedding vows? Beautiful. The other thing that stood out for me was Ruth's faithfulness, her surrender to Na'omi without knowing what is coming next and the reward that she later reaps through Boaz, her next of kin, or Redeemer (which is what "next of kin" means...whoa. Hello Christ reference). How often are we called to surrender without knowing what will come next, but only having to trust in God's plan and will for our lives.

6. We finally have the building permit from our county so that we can start building our deck! I cannot wait to be able to sit outside and crochet while drinking some coffee. Oh man. And I know Buster is going to love it out there too, he just loves staring our doors/windows at the animals and people going by.

7. We took advantage of Memorial Day sales and bought a new fridge! It's getting delivered tomorrow.  Our old one was leaking and we would end up with puddles of water at the bottom of the fridge. We couldn't fix it, and since it was the only appliance that wasn't on the newer side when we bought our house, we just decided to replace it. I'm hoping this will kick start our kitchen "reno." I'd love to paint our cabinets and get some hardware for them.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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