Wednesday, May 29, 2013

A Letter to Me

This morning as I was driving to work I was listening to our local Christian radio station (95.1 Shine FM) and the morning talk show host was asking people what they would say if they could talk to or write a letter to themselves as they graduated from high school.  Well, I literally spent the rest of my drive drafting said letter.

Dear Tiffany,

        First of all, Congratulations!  You made it through high school and I am so proud of you!  You have worked so hard and it has all paid off.

I know how happy you are and how excited and nervous for the next steps.  But don't worry, everything turns out just the way it should.  Just remember a few things.

  1.  Do not ever forget how beautiful you are, and do not let anyone make you think otherwise.  I know you doubt this, and are never quite satisfied with the face staring back at you through the mirror but you are a daughter of the King, made in His image and likeness so how could you be anything but beautiful!  
  2. Please remember that just because you have a kind heart, that does not mean that people get to walk all over you.  Find your voice.  Keep kindness in your words, but still, find your voice.
  3.  You cannot help everyone, no matter how much you want to.  The world already has a savior through Jesus, you do not need to be another "savior."  Help those you can and lift the others up in prayer.
  4. Never let anyone make you feel "stupid" or "silly" for your beliefs and Never let anyone change who you are.  You are walking with God, and even though the road may be rough at times, remember the lines from one of your favorite poems, "Two roads diverged in a wood and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference."  Your faith and beliefs have put you on a road not traveled by many, but trust me, it will make all the difference.
  5. You are enough.  Who you are, inside and out, is enough.  
  6. You do not need to change for a man.  As I said, you are enough and the person God has chosen for you will recognize that from the beginning.  He will see your virtue, your gifts, your beauty and will pursue you and prove to you that you are enough.
  7. Finally, just stay close to God.  Say your prayers.  Go to mass.  Read good books.  Engage is interesting conversations.  Continue to learn more about your faith.
  You will be just fine.  Trust me, I know ;-)


Your future, 25 year old self who is happily married, in a career she loves and growing day by day in faith.

What would you say to your past self on your graduation day?

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