Monday, May 27, 2013

I bind unto myself today...

...the strong name of the Trinity. (from St. Patrick's Breastplate prayer)

This Memorial Day Weekend and Feast of the Holy Trinity was spent in New Jersey with Chris' family.  We had a fantastic time.  Chris and I left late on Friday night so that we would hopefully avoid holiday traffic on 95.  Buster was super excited to go for a car ride.  As soon as he sees his travel crate he knows we're going somewhere and goes nuts.  I gotta tell ya, getting a dog together plus all of the things he needs for a weekend is rough.  Mother's of young children, I applaud you and your ability to get your children together, in the car, safely with all of their things without pulling out your hair in the process.

We got to Chris' family's house pretty late Friday so after saying hi we went right to bed.  The next morning our wonderful pup heard Tim, Chris' youngest brother, get up to go to work at 6:30 in the morning.  Our dog does not like to know there are people up and awake and he can't say hi.  So needless to say, Chris and I were therefore also awake at 6:30.  We spent the morning relaxing - and drinking lots of coffee.  I started a new crochet project that I love.  It's that crocodile stitch beach bag I was talking about here.  As I've said, I LOVE the crocodile stitch.  I just think it looks so unique.  And the fact that you crochet with a strand of yarn and a strand of crochet thread held together helps make the whole thing strong plus adds some interesting contrast.

                                  My work in progress, I chose the colors to look like the ocean

After lunch, Chris' mom and I went to get facials.  Oh.  My.  Goodness.  I've had facials before, many years ago, but NEVER like this.  I left that place so blissed out.  And after everything I've been going through recently with work and what not...let's just say it was needed.  Plus my skin was literally glowing, and who doesn't want that??  That night we had dinner and played a game with everyone.  His family is definitely a game family which I LOVE because my family so is not.

I love Sundays while traveling.  I have always loved finding a church to go to wherever we're vacationing and having to opportunity to meet a new priest and see a new church.  When we're visiting Chris' family we go to Our Lady of Good Counsel.  I love this church.  Not only is it a beautiful church, but the Irish priest is fantastic.  He always gives a wonderful homily.  Which is actually where the title of this post came from, he read part of St. Patrick's Breastplate prayer.  I really enjoyed the readings yesterday as well.  The second reading yesterday from Romans is one of my favorites.  "we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint"  Hope does not disappoint.  Bam.  Now that is something to hold on to.

Yesterday after mass Chris' mom helped show me how to use my new (well, new to me) sewing machine.  Chris' grandmother was getting rid of her sewing machine and asked if I wanted it, and I of course said yes!  I've been wanting to learn how to sew.  The sewing machine is awesome.  It's vintage, green, and comes in it's own cabinet.  Who doesn't love vintage??  It fit perfectly in our little office, which is great because now when Chris is playing his video games we can still be spending time together.  I can't wait to try some sewing projects.

                                             Seriously, how awesome is this??

Like I said, this weekend was fantastic.  And Buster absolutely loved running around in their fenced in back yard.  Makes me wish we had a yard for him to run in!  One day...Buster also almost had the chance to make friends with a black bear.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Yesterday afternoon we found out on of Chris' neighbors had spotted a black bear in the wooded area behind their houses.  Talk about scary.  Oh, and our incredibly friendly dog almost left us...he hopped right into the car of another family ready to go for a ride.  Oh this dog.  After such an eventful weekend he has be content to just sleep...which is exactly what he is doing right now next to me.
                                             Buster's (almost) new friend

We got home last night and today are planning on taking advantage of Memorial Day sales and getting a new fridge - I hope.

Oh!  And to top off this great weekend, we came home to a small package on our doorstep from our wedding photographers.  They had sent us three magnets with our wedding photos on them.  And some Worthers Original, oh yum.  I can't even tell you how much Chris and I loved our photographers and the amazing photos they took.  Seriously, I can't speak highly enough about them.  If you're in the Maryland area, I would definitely recommend them.  Check out their website if you don't believe me!
                                                 I am in love the the magnets...and the candy hit the spot

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