Thursday, May 23, 2013


Yesterday I was struck by a feeling of "community" in the blogosphere.  I spent some time in the morning  looking at some other Catholic blogs - I almost made myself late for work, oops!  While feeling incredibly humbled and inspired by reading these different blogs, I also noticed some common postings.  The 7 Quick Takes and What I Wore On Sunday are two that I think would be fun to participate in myself!  All different blogs participate in this "link-up" and it really just gave a sense of community - to me at least.  For someone who has never really had a large Catholic community, it feels nice just to know that there are others out there who wouldn't think I was strange or weird for talking about faith, God, the Eucharist etc.  Catholic does in fact mean Universal and in this 21st Century of ours where modern Catholics everywhere have taken up blogging, it sure does help make the church feel even more Universal.

[So here is where I had planned to go with this post...These different "community" blogs then inspired me to think of something on my own, something that may or may not already be out there.  But I’m going to call it GratiTuesday.  As a counselor, we sometimes recommend to our clients that they keep a Gratitude Journal.  This will be my form of a gratitude journal.  It can be easy to forget how immensely blessed we are.  I personally have been more “woe is me, I hate my job” and have been ignoring the many places in my life that I am blessed.  Hopefully having a “GratiTuesday” blog post every week will keep me focused more on the positive rather than the negative.]

That is what I would have written had I not then Googled "Gratituesday" and lo and behold, someone beat me to it lol  But that helps make my decision that I will be joining in on that link up as well.  I was wary about this whole blogging thing, and I'm still so new that I'm fairly certain I'm the only one reading/the only one who cares but if through this whole thing I can stay inspired and "meet" new people who share a passion for our faith, well, then I say it's worth it!

On a different note, I have been wanting to get a picture up here of the blanket I am allllmost finished.  But the time I get to work on it is after I get home, cook, go to the gym and eat.  So by that time the lighting is awful...but maybe I'll try tonight and see what I can come up with.

Hope everyone has a good Thursday!

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