Saturday, May 18, 2013

Squeaky Clean...Sometimes

We all have growing edges, right? Right.  A couple of mine happen to be organization and keeping my home clean.  Chris and I both tend to lean toward the "lazy" side (vice, I know)  So while this means the pile of clothes waiting to go in the laundry and the stack of dishes in the sink don't lead to many arguments it still gets to a point where one of us (usually me) gets to the "AHH!! Our house is a MESS, we MUST clean!!"  And then a weekend long cleaning spree ensues.

That happened this weekend.  I decided our house was disgusting and we needed to clean.  NOW.  So, I started by googling different "spring cleaning lists."  Now, we live in a 2 bed 2.5 bath townhouse so there really isn't all that much to clean so I mentally adjusted said cleaning lists into something manageable for our home.  And after the hour or so spent finding the "perfect" list and a good iheartradio station - Time to Dance in case you were wondering - I finally started actually cleaning.

I began in the kitchen cleaning window sills, drawers, dishes, the fridge, (we haven't cleaned that since we moved in and I just have one word for that.  EW.) the oven, floors etc.  It took me all of Friday night but man did our kitchen sparkle.

Today I only really managed to clean our teeny "dining room," if you can call it that.  Our small dining room table tends to be a "catch all" for bills, letters, cards etc.  so after sorting and filing all of that we could see our table again!  I dusted the furniture in our living room and called it a night.  Tomorrow I plan on tackling our basement and master bedroom.

I hate cleaning.  Bottom line.  I love the result and actually having a clean house...but putting the work into sucks...for lack of a better word.  When I do actually clean, I am borderline OCD about it, but again, it sucks.  I keep telling myself I am going to make a cleaning schedule (oh wait, I have) and stick to it (oh wait, I haven't).  But hey, that's the point of growing edges, isn't it?  Something you know you need to work on.  I know I need to work on this, and I'm trying.  I'm a homemaker work in progress

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