Tuesday, January 28, 2014

What I Wore Sunday

So this is a little late...but hey, better late than never.

I struggle big time coming up with winter outfits...far too many times I wear jeans and a long sweater (my way of justifying wearing jeans to church - if I cover my behind) and boots.  boh-ring..

Rosie always posts the cutest outfits for WIWS, and often she's mentioned that she "winterized" a skirt or dress from summer/spring.  So, she inspired me, and I give to you...my "winterized" What I Wore Sunday outfit (I think it worked...if not, let me know so I don't wear it again *wink*)

Yup, those are still Christmas decorations due to a. I love when our house is decorated and it makes me sad taking them down and b. storage in our house is very limited and the boxes for our decorations are at my parents...and I haven't been able to go get them yet.

Anyway - the shirt: a gift - I believe it's from Macy's
                      skirt - thrifted from 2nd Ave
                      boots and tights are old...can't even remember where they're from

Sunday's homily was fantastic.  The one big thing I left with, was when our priest was talking about how we can't pick and choose what we like and don't like about Catholicism.  We can't say, "Oh, I like this bible passage and that one...but those other ones?  Yea, I'll pass" (my wording, not his)  Which made me think, well yes, Christianity is not meant to be an easy road.  It's a daily lesson in putting aside our selfish ways and picking up our crosses and following Christ.

When I was in school I wrote an essay comparing my walk of faith to Robert Frost's poem The Road Not Taken [you can read the whole thing here]

"Two roads diverged in a wood and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference."

When you think about it, Christianity is that "road less traveled by."  The "un-popular" way, the "going against the tide" etc. etc.

And for me, it certainly has made all the difference.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!  Go check out the ladies of FLAP for more WIWS

1 comment:

  1. Cute skirt! It definitely worked "winterized!" Black and white patterns are my favorite items to carry through the year - bright colors seem to say "hey, I'm a summer skirt!" but black and white seems appropriate all the time!


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