Saturday, January 18, 2014

7 Quick Takes - Half of which are about BBC television

It's not Friday anymore...but Happy Weekend!  Joining Jen at Conversion Diary for some more Quick Takes...head on over there to check out more Quick Takes

1. The fact that Sherlock comes back tomorrow night has been forefront in my mind this weekend. I must know how he pulled it off (that was my way of not writing any spoilers)! I'm so used to watching it on Netflix that I know I'm going to struggle with having to wait a week between episodes...I could go all "we're such a consumerist society, we're even used to having out TV shows/episodes On Demand we can't even wait between episodes any more" but...I won't *wink*
Look at those baby blues!
2. So, the site that I got this picture from is an article about the character of Sherlock possibly being on the Autism spectrum!  Yes!  Every time I watch the show I "diagnose" him with ASD.  I have a special place in my heart for client's on the spectrum - while I was getting my Masters I worked with an agency as an in-home therapist working with children on the spectrum.  I loved it.  Check out the article here

3. Keeping with the TV show theme, after hearing so much about it, and reading the recommendation of a few different bloggers, I caved and started watching Doctor Who.  I am currently on the David Tennant Doctor (um, yum) aka Season 2.  I enjoyed season 1, but I'm enjoying season 2 waaay more.  And no, it's not because I'm shallow and enjoying watching David (although, I do), I just find myself laughing out loud more often this season.  So I'm going to go ahead and add my own recommendations to the many other Doctor Who lovers - it's a great mix of lovers who don't know they're in love, time/space continuum, aliens, and British accents.  It's fantastic!  (watch The Doctor - you'll get that)
I mean, he wears Chuck's...what's not to love?!
4. [Change of Pace] I haven't heard anything from Project Rachel...which is kind of a bummer because I would have really loved to work for them.  I have, however, heard from Pastoral Counseling and Care Ministries.  I have a phone interview with them next Thursday.  Prayers, as always, welcome!

5.  Chris and I live in a 2 bedroom townhouse.  I love our home, but it's always been a thought in the back of my mind that if God blesses us with children, we'll lose our guest room.  In our basement we have a huuge sectional sofa from Chris' bachelor days.  It's a super comfy couch, with three recliners and cup holders (perfect for a cold beer).  Our basement room is not large - it's a good size, don't get me wrong - but this couch takes up a ton of space.  Chris somehow managed to sell the couch to one of his coworkers this week.  He's a bachelor and was looking for a sectional for his apartment - Chris offered to sell him ours and he took the offer.  So this weekend we're heading out to scope MLK day sales for a new sleeper sofa to solve the space and lack of sleeping space for guests issue.

6. Next week is the March for Life in DC.  I have gone in past years and loved the entire experience.  Sadly, I won't be able to be there this year, but I'll be there in spirit and prayer for sure.  Is anyone going?  Post lots of pictures!

7. I linked up for Theme Thursday this week and posted this and got lots of wonderful feedback!  Thank you!  I'll post pictures of the finished product (which will hopefully be done sometime this weekend/early next week).  I'm considering posting it on my Etsy shop, but it would take me months to make for someone who ordered it and I don't know if that would be a deterrent for buyers...

Happy Weekend everyone :-)

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