Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Five Favorites: Sick as a Dog edition

So, since I've been sick as a dog (where did that saying even come from?) since Friday, I figured it'd be worthwhile to list my 5 favorite items for while you're sick.

1. Kleenex with lotion/aloe  and "Sneeze Shield".  I don't really know if they shielded anyone from my sneezes...but after the havoc wreaked on my nose from non lotion-ed Kleenex, these were a God send.  And ooo pretty box!
2. Emergen-C.  I have one of the worst immune systems...ever.  If there is a cold, flu, virus, bacteria, you name it, I'll get it.  So this is [should be] a staple in our house.  Ok, really it only seems to show up when I feel like I"m starting to get sick, or am already in the midst of my illness misery.  Does it work?  I don't really know.  Does it psych me out and make it believe it works?  Yes indeedy!

3. You guys.  This tea.  Is the shiznit.  Could I brew a cup of chamomile tea and just add some honey?  Yes, yes I could.  But this is honey VANILLA Chamomile...and Celestial Seasonings was kind enough to put all of that delicious in one little tea bag.  I can't even tell you how many cups of this I've had this week.  And each one was a hot, steaming cup of wonderful.

4. Netflix...or any other way you can binge watch TV shows.  My show of choice this week was Doctor Who...well, really I've been watching for a while...but I basically watched season 5 and most of 6 this week.  Don't judge, I couldn't move from the couch.  This image is fitting too since I'm still in the "I miss the old Doctor" aka David Tennant but "Hey, this new Doctor is kind of cool...ok, I like him" phase of Doctor regeneration.

5. Last, but not least...Carmex.  When you cannot breathe out of your nose, you become a mouth breather.  When you become a mouth breather, your lips become chapped at an alarming rate.  When your lips become chapped at an alarming rate, they start to crack and bleed and bury you further into your misery.  Don't let chapped lips bury your further into your misery.  Get a good chapstick. [Yes, that was based off the DirectTV commericals...and yes, it was just as lame]  Carmex for me is a miracle worker.  Put it on over night, by the time I wake up my lips are no longer a desert.  Maybe warn your husbands before kissing them though, Chris often complains I'm "goopy"

What are your favorite things when you're sick?  Go see Hallie @ Moxie Wife for more Five Favorites!

[I don't have any affiliate links...I just linked to Amazon for convenience.  Buy wherever you like!]

1 comment:

  1. Feel better soon girl!!! # 1 and 2 are my saving grace when I get sick:)


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