Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday Randoms

Ahhh weekend.  I went to bed last night not feeling so wonderful, and ended up sleeping...not at all.  Hubs was amazing and let me sleep in this morning.  And it was glorious.

I was up late last night partly because I felt sick, and partly because I wanted to finish re-reading Ender's game.  I have this thing that if I know a movie was a book before it became a movie, I must read the book first.  The exception to this happened to be Harry Potter - but that's because I wasn't allowed to read Harry Potter growing up (I know, shocker) so I didn't read them until I got married - and boy am I glad I did!

So now, today, Chris and I can finally have a movie date to see Ender's Game, and I'm pumped.  I remember loving Ender's Game in high school when I read it the first time, but I was surprised how much I had forgotten, and there were a lot of nuances I totally missed in high school.  I'm glad I re-read it.  Movie review maybe or maybe not to come.

Tonight we're going to our friends place for a dinner date.  They just got married in October and were really excited to host us - apparently we're the first!  She asked we bring a dessert - and since she has Celiac I decided to put in some research for a gluten free dessert.  I found this recipe for a flourless version of the classic.  I'm pretty excited to try the recipe.  Then, if it turns out well, all I need to do is find a chocolate chip my sister can have (she can't have the casein in milk) and I can make these for Thanksgiving!

Speaking of gluten and dairy free - every year I try to find recipes my sister can have.  Thanksgiving has always been my sister's favorite holiday, but after she found out she had a gluten and casein intolerance the holiday changed for her.  And I'd love to make it a little more like it used to be for her.  If anyone has any good gluten and dairy free recipes, I would LOVE for you to send them my way!

Another one of my roommates from college has started her own blog.  Lindsay was my very first roommate.   And became the first friend I made at The Mount.  I am super shy and introverted, and I think Linds may have been a little skeptical of me at first (I was also the Catholic college girl with statues and crucifixes all over her dorm room - may have been a shocker to the new roomies, ha!).  Sometimes we couldn't be more different, and in other things we couldn't be more similar.  We were inseparable in college.  If we were ever without the other, someone inevitably asked where our twin was.  We have been through a lot together, and Lindsay was one of the people who was there for me through one of the most difficult times in my life.  She is my Sugar Plum, and I am her Peach (yes, we are those friends).  She used to live literally a 2 min walk from our house.  We both separately found the same development, and separately fell in love with, and put offers in on houses.  And let me just tell you how awesome it was having one of my best friends right down the street.  But then enter Pete.  Pete is a friend of Chris' from college.  Linds and Pete met at our wedding (pretty sure her parents aren't happy with me for this...).  Pete is getting his PhD in math in LA...Linds took a leap of faith and moved to LA.  I love them together - having seen her past boyfriends - Pete is a great guy and I am so happy for her, she deserves it!  This was a super long intro...but she's "my person" and it only seemed right.  So, anyway, go check out her blog and show her some love and follow along on her East coast to West coast adventures with her adorable (and huge) dog Buddy!

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