Friday, November 15, 2013

Weekly 7 QTs

I'm slacking again on the blogging front, but hey, at least I make an effort to keep up with 7 Quick Takes with Jen and crew!  Head on over there for more Quick Takes

1. So my personal lap top has decided to show me my first "blue screen of death" and then promptly go to laptop Heaven.  I've only had this laptop since we got less than 2 years.  Oy.  Geek Squad, here I come.  Please work a miracle.

In the mean time, I have my work Mac (that is slowly making me fall in love with Apple - why, oh why, are they so expensive!)  This also means I won't have many photos to post...

2. I had my interview on Monday, fell in love with the idea of the position, was told they would make a decision by mid week - and have yet to hear anything.  I'm very tempted to just email them and ask if they have made a decision...and if it's not me, please just put me out of my misery so I don't jump about 2 feet every time I get a new email.

3. One of the questions they asked me was what I like to do for fun.  I obviously mentioned crocheting...their follow up statement/question was something along the lines of "You don't see many people your age crocheting, how did you get into that?"  Yes.  I am an old soul.  Call me granny Tiffany, you wouldn't be the first! (actually, yes you would) And ya know what?  I'm ok with it!

4. Speaking of crochet - I had 3 orders in one day on my Etsy shop last weekend.  Can't even tell you how excited it made/makes me!  I'm finishing up those orders this weekend, then it's time to focus on a special gift - a blanket - I am making for a friend and her little boy!  We're seeing them the weekend before Thanksgiving, so I need to REALLY work on it this weekend/next week in order to finish by the time we see them.

5. This week I had a "You know you're an introvert when: you realize you've driven to and from work each day in complete silence"  moment.  It was glorious.

6. Today I saw something about a comment Pope Francis made that people are assuming is about Medjugorje.  I was blessed with the opportunity to travel to Medjugorje when I was 12.  It was one of the most moving experiences of my life.  I tend to be skeptical about visionaries - except of course the Church approved apparitions - but seriously, being in Medjugorje just felt like you were walking on holy ground.  I even had the chance to read one of the intentions during the prayer of the faithful on the feast of St. Therese (my favorite saint).  It was a very important trip for me, and it is on my bucket list to return one day.  To this day, I don't believe I have felt that kind of peace in any other place.  It is really hard for me to believe that anything is working there other than the hand of God, so it will be interesting to see what comes of the investigation.

7.  And to end on a lighter note - check out the Santa hat and Diaper cover set on my Etsy shop!

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you girl on Medj. I went right after I graduated college twice, in 2008 and 2009. Really a place that changed and enhanced my relationship with the Blessed Mother.


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