Friday, November 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Another week gone by.  It's amazing how fast time flies some weeks.

Linking up with Jen at Conversion Diary for these Quick Takes!

1. Sometimes I wonder if I post too much on here...but, I have an interview this morning.  My friend from grad school (the one who just got married!) put in a good word for me, since she is currently working with this company.  The interview is for a part time position - so it would be a hugh pay cut...but as Chris put it, my sanity is worth more than the paycheck.  So prayers are so appreciated, please!!

2. Chris' phone is pretty much dead.  I've recently been thinking about taking a plunge "backward" and going back to the "dumb" phone days so I offered Chris my current smart phone.  I know I'll miss some apps...but I don't really do much on my current phone that I couldn't do on a "dumb" phone (except taking pictures/uploading them from my phone).  Plus, without a data plan, it'll hopefully save us some money on our cell phone bill.  I may regret the decision, but it's probably happening this weekend.

3. For Halloween we had exactly *drum roll* 2 trick or treaters!  haha  I've always loved handing out candy...but I also love having lots of chocolate left over!

4. We had to take our dog to the vet again this week...he somehow (I'm assuming by scratching) causes a huge bleeding sore on his neck that started to get infected...and the cheap "cone" we got from PetCo kept coming off while he was in his crate so we'd wake up or get home from work and his neck would be covered in blood.  I was a mess.  He's on more steroids, an antibiotic, and we're using an antibiotic ointment.  Thankfully his neck is looking so much better.  We also had to get a cone from the vet that was sized to him...this thing is not coming off while we're gone!  Chris is getting a little fed up with all of the vet bills...he's worrying about finances, and as cold as it sounds...he says if it comes down to the dog or being able to pay our bills...we need to be able to pay our bills.  I can't even think about it.  We're still hoping the shots work and that he'll be a normal dog...but they could take 6-12 months to see any result.  As I said in my Facebook status the other day, "St. Francis, help a brotha out!"

5.  I've had a lot of people recently tell me they want to order items from my Etsy shop for Christmas...which gets me super excited.  If I could do counseling part time and work on my crochet items the rest of the time...I would be one happy Tiffany.

6. Remember my friend Kathleen from  She just opened her Etsy shop that is currently featuring the cutest pacifier clips ever!  Check her out, she is super crafty and can sew and knit like no other!

7.  Happy All Saints Day!


  1. I love the All Saints Day comic! Best wishes to you with that job interview!

  2. Prayers for your discernment! Hopefully your choices will be easy ones :)


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