Friday, November 8, 2013

Los Siete Takeos Quickos

I feel like I just insulted myself with that post title...and yet, I haven't changed it.

1. Sunday I posted about my newest item in my Etsy shop - These crocheted fingerless mittens

Stay tuned this weekend for a super cute pattern I found, perfect for those family Christmas photos.  Well...the pattern at least is's hoping the finished product turns out cute as well!  You know I'll post pictures, do not fret!

2. Found out I didn't get the job I interviewed for last week.  I felt pretty down again as a result, but the woman who interviewed me forwarded my resume to other managers within the agency and one of them called me to schedule an interview for Monday.  It would be a very different position that what I had anticipated - no client contact, more program would also be a further commute, and it is still unclear whether I would be able to get my hours for licensure with this job.  But.  I am desperate and therefore took the interview.

3. I still have this dream of working in a Catholic school.  Or as part of a parish.  Or at a faith based counseling agency.  I'm looking - but I feel caught in this Catch 22 of, "I'm licensed but not fully licensed which limits my job opportunities, but I can't get fully licensed without experience"  

4. Sometimes, I look around at our house and think - "Ok, when did the tornado hit, and how did I miss it?"  We don't have kids yet, so I know the luxury of dedicating an entire weekend to cleaning will be short lived - but I plan to take advantage of one of the few weekends we don't have plans to clean, clean, clean!  ... unless I decide my desire to go to High Rock is more important.

5. I went to Michaels the other day and was accosted by Christmas decorations.  At first I was all, "Dude, Michaels, it's not even Thanksgiving yet!"  but the more I saw all of the cheery decorations the stronger my desire to decorate our house became.  To the point where I came home and told Chris I was ready to decorate - he talked me down from the ledge.  But look how cute our lil house looked last year!

6. I really enjoyed reading Stephanie's blog post on being a Catholic blogger (I have also enjoyed reading about her adorable son - who coincidentally was born the same day as my goddaughter).  I started this blog mainly as a means to get my crochet items out there - but also a means to blog about daily life.  I am Catholic and therefore it was nearly impossible to blog without imbuing my posts with my Catholic perspective.  I never want to be "in your face," both in real life, and this blog, but a Catholic wife, counselor, crocheter is who I am.  And if I can give witness to my faith via this blog, well hey, I find that a win-win.  

7. This article has been trending on my Facebook newsfeed this week, and it caught my attention with it's title.  I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at, but after reading the whole thing, I have also come to the conclusion that marriage isn't for me either.  And since I just wrote a take about being a Catholic blogger - I'll add this perspective.  As I was reading the article, I kept thinking...marriage is for the glory of God as well.  A glimpse into how much God loves us, reflected in the love of our spouse.  A peek into the joys of Heaven.  Told ya marriage wasn't for me - it's for my husband, our future children if we are so blessed, and for God.

Happy Friday everyone!  Head on over to Jen's for more Quick Takes!

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