Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Not Sold In Stores

I've been MIA for a while, but I'm starting to think that maybe I should stop apologizing when I go days (read: weeks) without blogging and just embrace that I blog when it feels right and/or I have the time.  Sometimes I feel silly talking about "having time" when I'm sure there are plenty of mothers out there who are grateful for some time just to wash their hair.  But hopefully you know what I mean.

So much has been happening.
*More interviews, and more let downs.  Still praying hard, and welcoming prayers for something to come up and for me to hold on to hope
*The hard drive on my laptop had to be replaced and I lost everything on it.  I really need to start backing things up on an external.  This is partly why I haven't blogged in a while...it feels wrong to be writing on my work laptop - but I'm doing it anyway.
*One of my co-workers requested I made some hats and things for her nieces and nephews - I made two hats (a puppy and a hat with trucks), child size legwarmers, and a diaper cover and headband in the span of two nights...it was the only time my hands have actually started hurting from crocheting.  But I was super happy with how everything turned out (pictures to come) and so was my co-worker
*Thanksgiving.  We were blessed to be able to spend time with both families and I got to spend quality time with my sister and my sweet niece.  She calls me "Tish" - and I'm kind of dreading the day when she can actually pronounce "Tiff."  I have so much to be thankful for, but spending time with our families was definitely at the top of the list this year
*When we were in Jersey I went for my first ever massage...because I have an awesome mother-in-law who let me use her "free massage" ticket.  It was amazing, and after this year - very much needed
*Once Thanksgiving was behind us, and Advent upon us, I felt safe to start decorating for Christmas!  I love Christmas, and I love decorating.  Once I get my laptop back and can upload photos I'll add some of our little home.
Here's this one from my phone
*The past two days reminded me that while I am not happy with where I am working - I am grateful for things like...snow days!  I've been home the past two days thanks to snow...barely existent snow, but hey, I'm not complaining!
*This Friday night, my friend Kathleen and I are going to have a table at a local craft fair to sell our handmade items.  I'm super excited and have been crocheting up a storm.  Hopefully I can sell a decent amount and make some Christmas money.  I'm super behind on shopping for people and could use the cash
*Speaking of Christmas and shopping, I've been thinking a lot about Christmas lists this year.  Chris' family has always asked us to send them a list of things we want for Christmas, and they send us theirs. Does anyone else notice how increasingly difficult it becomes as we get older to come up with a Christmas list?  And this year especially for some reason, all I can think about is how what I truly want, cannot be bought in a store.  What I truly want is a new job - but I don't think they have those in stock at Macy's.  What I truly want is for Chris and I to find out that our family is growing.  Can't exactly get that off the shelves of Hobby Lobby.  What I truly want is increased faith, peace, love, hope, joy within myself and our families and friends - and I've yet to see these things sold in stores.  But that's what I love about Advent - the time of preparation.  I always think of something my mother used to tell me when I was younger.  She used to tell me before I would walk down the aisle to receive communion to pray to St. Joseph to prepare my soul like he prepared the manger for Jesus' arrival.  And that is how I view advent - as a time to prepare my soul, like St. Joseph prepared the manager, for the coming of our Savior, because let's be real, that IS Christmas, the birth of Christ!  Now that is what I truly want for Christmas.  A heart and soul truly ready to receive our Lord - then I will have greater faith, peace, love, hope, and joy - and then I can hopefully bring it to others...and the rest will come in time - His time.

...But I couldn't exactly put that on a list to send to my in-laws so instead I asked for some new crochet hooks ;-)

I hope everyone is having a blessed Advent season, and if you've been getting snow, I hope you enjoyed your snow days as much as I have!

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