Monday, October 28, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Linking up with Jen via Cari!  Head over to Cari's for more 7 Quick Takes

1. Remember the poopy that hit the fan and rained down on my job?  Yea, it's still raining.  I didn't get home until 8 last night [Thursday] (but came home to my amazing hubby having cooked dinner and done 2 loads of laundry...yea, he's awesome) due to a meeting where we talked (read: vented) about what's been going on with our job.  I usually feel better after these meetings...but then again, it's usually short lived.  I've been saying a novena to St. Jude, patron saint of impossible causes.  'Cause that's how I feel, like this is impossible.  I've been getting the prayers sent to my email via  Very convenient.

2. Speaking of convenience and technology making our pray lives easier - I've really enjoyed this rosary app.  I listen to the rosary every day on my drive in to work and it makes me feel like I'm starting my day out the right way.  Plus if I'm listening to a "Hail Mary" I feel much less inclined to scream some curse words and throw up that one finger symbol to the guy who just cut me off and made me slam on my brakes while on the B/W Parkway - those who live in the MD/DC know. (kidding...sorta).

3. It's cold...remember a few posts back when I said I couldn't wait for fall?  I feel like fall lasted all of 3 days and now it's 32 degrees and freezing...literally.  However, cooler temps do feel right for Halloween, which is right around the corner!  I don't know if Chris and I are going to any parties...but if we do, I totally want to do this for our costume:

Cute, right?!  Now I just need a costume party to go to...or more semblance of a life on weekends that doesn't revolve around mounds of paperwork...

4. I ordered business cards for my Etsy shop.  They came in yesterday and I am super excited and happy with how they turned out!  Now I'm hoping to make some for my degree and licensure.  It may make more sense to make those when I'm fully licensed and have my own practice or something...but I figure it might be good to have some now too. 

5. One of my friends sent me an email the other day telling me about Etsy of them being Zibbet.  Apparently with some of Etsy's new policies - including redefining "handmade".  One of the things I understood is that now manufacturers can also sell in the 'handmade" section of Etsy...which is difficult for those artisan (no, I don't quite put myself in this class lol but I can understand where they're coming from) who make their handmade items themselves and have to compete with larger manufacturers (this is what I understood and I could be wrong, so feel free to do your own research on the matter).  So, Zibbet, a site that has never really been able to compete with Etsy, is suddenly seeing an influx of new sellers.  Myself included.  I'm still keeping my Etsy shop - but I'm going to have both.  I'm in the process of copying over my listings to Zibbet.  One positive of Zibbet I've already noticed is that you don't need to pay to list an item.  Score!  So, without further ado, heres my "new" shop (please be patient as I transfer listings, I need to change the file size of the photos I have)

6. Sunday [which at this point was yesterday...but I don't feel like changing this to make it grammatically correct]  Chris and I are going over to Joe and Kathleen's for a horror movie marathon.  They're hardcore and use survey monkey and everything so that we can all vote on movies we want to watch.  The line up this year?  Hocus Pocus (yes!), Silence of the Lambs (never seen it), Ghostbusters (who ya gonna call!?), and Lost Boys (never seen it).  I'm pumped...and am bringing the baby blanket I am working on for a friend to distract me when I get too scurred.
[Update: all of the movies were fantastic.  Although I'd have to say Silence of the Lambs, while disturbing, was probably the best.  I love a good psychological thriller]

7. Any and all prayers for a good week are greatly appreciated...every Sunday I feel some sense of dread wondering what the week will bring...and yesterday was no exception.  Our pup is also getting worse again after it seemed like he was getting better...we were weaning him off some meds and that clearly did not work out so well...St. Jude, patron saint of hopeless causes...pray for us!


  1. That costume idea is so cute! And I've never heard of Zibbet- I'll have to check it out. I love Etsy but for the handmade and small business side of it, and am not a fan of the large manufacturer side. :( Prayers for your pup!

    1. Thank you! They're much needed! I had never heard of Zibbet either - it's pretty neat though!

  2. Love that costume! . . . I used to pray the Rosary on my way into work when I was commuting. It really did help. And more recently, I had an aggressive driver on my tail, gesturing at me to hurry up. I was seriously tempted to give her the finger, but I looked up and saw . . . my Rosary hanging from my rearview mirror. Changed my mind. :-) . . . So sorry about the trouble at work!

    1. haha so true! The rosary on the rearview mirror definitely helps as well :-)


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