Sunday, July 28, 2013

What I Wore Sunday plus some other thoughts

So...I seem to have gone a bit awol this past week and I'm not really sure why.  Yes, work was a bit crazier than usual.  Yes, we had company (Chris' grandparents) over one night.  Yes, I tried to keep up with house chores plus assessments/diagnoses/treatment plans.  But I reality I should have had time to post something.  I think, if I'm honest with myself, it had a little to do with a comment someone made to me about blogging.

I was going to put this in a separate blog post, but hey, why not include it in this one.  I was talking with someone about blogging and how I've recently started my own blog.  I was actually encouraging this person to start a blog...knowing them well, I just have a feeling their blog would relate to so many people, on so many different levels.  Anyway, she told me she had thought about it, but when talking it over with her husband, he said something to the effect that blogging is narcissistic and just a way for people to talk about themselves in this "all about me" society.  Ouch.  I know she didn't mean it to come across as "You're narcissistic for blogging" but I struggled with that thought.  Was I narcissistic?  Is the only reason I'm blogging to get attention?  Is that why other people blog?  A. I hope not B. No, I actually started a blog as a way to connect with other like-minded people and C. After reading and following so many inspiring blogs, I find it hard to believe that their motive was a self-centered one.

I'm sure there are people out there blogging from the  planet "look at me, look at me" ("10 Things I Hate About You", anyone?) mentality, but the blogs that I have come to love certainly aren't.  I see blogs, and blogging as a way of reaching out.  Building a community.  Helping others who may be going through similar situations to feel less alone.  A prayer network.  It's amazing how encouraged I've been, how inspired to grow in faith, based on what I read in some people's blogs.  "You will know them by their fruits" Matt 7:16  If the fruits of these blogs that I am following is an increase in faith, I would hardly think blogging is narcissistic.  Now, I am not sure how "inspiring" my blog is, but that's something to aspire to, right?  Or, even if it's just that my blog is helping in building more on that sense of "community" I've felt in the blogosphere...that's ok with me too.  But hey, let me know if I'm being narcissistic and coming at you from planet "Look at Me, Look at Me" that you've read my ramblings, I'll leave you with the outfit I wore to mass today.  Extra proof of my love of pink and brown.

Shirt and Skirt are thrifted from 2nd Ave and the espadrilles are a repeat from Old Navy.  Buster's posing nicely, isn't he?  Today's gospel is one of my favorites.  And for some reason, is really speaking to my heart today.    
 "Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you"
  I need to remember this, and have faith knowing that God is looking out for me and has my best interests in mind, I need simply ask.  Chris and I have been talking more about growing our family.  He is still very concerned about finances (as I student loans are killing us) but today it really stuck out to me that no matter what, God will provide for us.  We need only ask and trust in His will for us.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend :-)  Head on over to Fine Linen and Purple for more lovely Sunday fashion inspirations

Sunday, July 21, 2013

What I Wore Sunday #5

Can kinda see my shoes here...
This was a "oops forgot to take a picture" moment

Happy beginning of NFP Awareness week!  I know a lot of people are planning on writing about NFP and I would certainly like to add my own piece, I just need to write it!  If you do write something, make sure you join the link up with Katie at NFP and Me

Anywho, back to the WIWS link up.  My maxi skirt is from Target, the shirt...I want to say Kohls, but not positive and the gold sandals I believe are from Kohls or Target?  And the dog is from the Washington Animal Rescue League.

I always love the gospel about Martha and Mary.  Probably because my mom's name is Martha, and she and the biblical Martha may as well have been identical.  I enjoyed the perspective our deacon gave this morning about how more often than not people now a days are "Martha's," always on the go with a million things on their plate.  I definitely feel that way...a lot.  There are times when I feel stretched to my limit between working, balancing time with Chris, our families, our friends, house projects, weddings I'm in etc.  And sadly, I am ashamed to admit, that time sitting at Jesus' feet seems to fall to the back burner.  My prayer life seems to be the first things I neglect...but boy does God remind me real quick about how much I need my prayer life, that time sitting in silence, soaking up His presence.  Without prayer, without that time at Jesus' feet, everything else becomes overwhelming and feels like I can't handle it.  Because I can't.  Not without His grace.  It can be difficult sometimes to find that Martha-Mary balance, but I pray that I find it so that I don't lose my drive to serve others, to be there for others while continuing to keep my prayer life and God as the priority and driving force behind all I do.

I feel like that was quite a ramble...but bottom line, I hope everyone had a blessed, enjoyable Sunday.  Hope the week to come goes well, and again, Happy NFP Awareness :-) Pro Woman, Pro Man, Pro Child

Check back with the ladies at FLAP for more What I Wore Sunday posts containing much more fashionable women than I!

Friday, July 19, 2013

7 Quick Takes Numero Siete

I will try and keep these short and sweet again...I have a tendency to ramble which kind of goes against the whole "quick" part.

1. I have discovered two websites that will be the downfall of my bank account.  One, Knitpicks.  And two, Zulily.  I seriously need to take a picture of my yarn stash.  I cannot turn down a yarn sale...and those coupons Michaels sends out...death traps I tell you, death traps.  But yarn for $2?!  Come one, how can you say no??  And Zulily.  The prices.  The cute!...the prices!

2. When it comes to reading and crochet projects I have major ADD.  To illustrate, I am currently reading 4 different the same time.  I think because they are each so different I can choose which one I want to read at different points in the day/week.  The first book I am reading is Rediscover Catholicism.    I literally just started this one, but I am already hooked, I was literally yelling outloud, "Yes, YES, Exactly!!" when I read things like
"There is genius in Catholicism, if we will just take the time and make the effort to humbly explore it" 
"There is nothing wrong with Catholicism that can't be fixed by what is right with Catholicism" 
And my favorite so far:
"If sixty-seven million Catholics in the United States stepped it up a notch, something incredible would happen"(Kelly, 2010).

YES!  Let's start a revolution!  An evangelistic revolution!
How the book looks right now, coffee at hand and highlighter ready
The other books I am reading are Eragon (YA science fiction), Anne of Green Gables ( I am rereading these beloved books of mine since I found the ENTIRE kindle set on Amazon for .99), and Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, and the Universal Longing (I've been reading this for a while, got halfway thru, and wanted to go back and reread and highlight - yes, I am a nerd).

3. I have been doing a lot more assessments at work which has been a huge learning experience for me.    I am loving having the chance to get to know the clients, their families, and their backgrounds in more detail.  I am also becoming much more familiar with the DSM IV-TR (although soon I will need to be familiar with the DSM V) and diagnosing.  Although, I am realizing that I have a difficult time giving someone a diagnosis.  I don't like the thought of a "label" following them around for the rest of their lives.  But I know it helps them receive the services they need and helps the clinician properly treat the client.

4. My friend that I mentioned got engaged is going wedding dress shopping this weekend and I am so excited to go with her!  Hearing her planning her wedding is bring back such awesome memories of planning my own.

5.  Yesterday was an interesting day for me.  I went to daily mass with my mom, which was nice since we don't get the opportunity to go together as much.  Then, I got a notice from our county about the real estate taxes we owed.  Let's just say Chris and I had a minor freak out as we literally saw our entire savings, plus some, going down the taxes drain.  But, we then learned (we're first time homebuyes, we didn't know this stuff) that built into our mortgage payments is escrow for the taxes.  If our escrow doesn't cover the tax increase (which it didn't) then we only need to pay the difference, not the full amount.  *HUGE sigh of relief*  And then, on one of the hottest days of the week, the AC in my car decides to die.  So took that in to the shop and got that fixed and needed front brake pads replaced.  Oy.  But, I tried to see the silver least we were able to get it fixed (although it took a while for me to see any sort of silver lining)

6.  I am late to every party.  What I am speaking about specifically here, is the Lost party.  The TV show.  I just started watching it on Netflix at the urging of my husband.  And whoa.  Mind.  Blown.  I am hooked.  Although apparently the last season is awful or something?  Don't know, don't care.  I am enjoying it now.

7. I am trying to incorporate more prayer time as a couple for Chris and I.  We go to mass together, we say grace before dinner, and we say little prayers here and there but I want more.  We need more.  How do you all incorporate prayer as a couple/family into your daily lives?  I would love to hear from you!

Have a beautiful, blessed weekend everyone!  Stay cool!  Head over to Jen's @ Conversion Diary for more 7QT!

Sunday, July 14, 2013


Hello all!

This week/weekend just seemed to completely get away from me.  I missed Theme Thursday (I have yet to participate and have wanted to) and Quick Takes Friday.  Oh well.  I'm here for What I Wore Sunday at least :-) Go check out the other lovely ladies at FLAP

This wasn't meant to get caught on film...makes me giggle tho

detail shot
The deets:
Dress - Kohls I believe 
Cardi - Aeropostale
Shoes - Also from Aero (I worked there for a bit in college)
Pearl Earrings and Necklace - a gift from Chris' mom

I love this gray/pink color combo...actually, gray and pink were our wedding colors!

Last night Chris and I went to another of our dessert club/couples fellowship night.  This may sound odd...but have any of you ever had a "couple crush"?  I have them.  Meaning, there are couples that we have met that I want to be friends with....are you offically creeped out by me yet?  Anway, we totally met a couple last night that I now have a couple crush on.  I've actually met them before...seperately.  But it turns out they live really close to us, and we occasionally attend the same parish.  So. Meant.To. Be.  Ok, I'll stop now.  But for someone who has had oh, one? friend in her lifetime who was excites me to meet people who I can talk to about things like the rosary, church, Eucharistic adoration and they don't look at me like I have two heads.  

Well, I will see you all on the flip side.  I'm off to crochet and watch The Newsroom with Chris.
Oh!  I have finally succumbed to the Twitter craze.  No idea what I am doing...but, follow me?  I think that's what you say?  I added some buttons over yonder (the right task bar) to make your lives a lil easier.

Happy Sunday!

Friday, July 12, 2013

How I became his Schmusebär Part II

If you missed the first part you can read that here.

So, where were we?

Ah, yes.  I was fighting tooth and nail again this Jersey boy while he was doing his best to win over this "different" girl's heart.  We got to know each other pretty well during the months we were texting, emailing, talking etc.  I remember being surprised with myself for how honest I was being with him.  And I learned plenty bout Chris as well.  The majority of what he told me, I loved.  He was incredibly smart, we had conversations that made me feel out of my league.  He could make me laugh like no other.  He was kind, and could say things that would literally make me melt into a puddle of mush.  And I found myself looking forward to hearing from him more and more each day.

However, there were some "stumbling blocks."  For one, I had never dated a guy who had "been" with other girls.  I found it increasingly more difficult to forget that part of his past and wondered whether it would be something I could deal with.  He also had proclaimed himself an agnostic.  He was raised Catholic, used to be very involved with the church, but fell away big time when he went to college.  Yet again, I could not look past this and it caused me a lot of heartache and worry since I could no longer deny that I was feeling more than just "friendly" feelings for him.

Chris attempted, multiple times, to arrange a time and place for us to get together and actually go on a date.  They all fell through.  I kept taking it as a sign.  My heart on the other hand, wasn't listening about any "signs."  The same time that Chris was attempting to arrange a date for us, he was also looking for a job in Baltimore.  Which he claimed he wanted to move even before we met...but I'm skeptical about that one.

It's around this time that I had that conversation with a friend that I spoke about here.  I wasn't sure if I should continue talking to Chris.  I was having an internal fight about the man I pictured myself marrying (a devout Catholic) versus the man I was very slowly falling for (a proclaimed agnostic). She asked me if Chris was willing to grow with me in faith, or was he uninterested.  I thought about it.  He was always willing to listen to me, always willing to learn.  He never once shut me down when I talked about my faith.  She reminded me about allowing people grace.  Room to grow.  Doesn't God allow us grace, forgiveness, mercy each and every day?

With that on my heart and mind, Chris and I finally were able to have our first date.  He had an interview with a financial firm in Baltimore and asked if we could meet up afterwards for lunch.  I had classes that day but told him when I would be free and we agreed to meet at The Greene Turtle which was next to my graduate school building.  A few hours before we were set to meet, I get a text that says something like this "You're going to hate me, but I just realized I left my wallet at home..."  Home at that point was still about 3 hours away..Irrational me read that text as "So, I left my wallet at home which means I can't pay for our first date and I hope that you will cancel on me because I no longer want to go on this date with you."  Yea.  Super healthy.  And I was in school to become a counselor at this time...more like I needed counseling!  Anyway, I told him it didn't matter, lunch was on me. *This date is a running joke between us now*  It was awesome getting a chance to talk with him in person and I was nervous as heck leading up to it, so it was a relief that it went so well.

We continued talking and trying to go on a second date.  Which didn't happen until July 4th when he came down for the weekend to meet my parents and friends.  It was an awesome weekend.  My parents like him, my friends liked him, and I just kept liking him more.  Having been completely up front with him from the beginning, he was a complete gentleman with me and totally respectful, and while we shared a kiss that made me see my own fireworks (cheesy, I know) it was a sweet, innocent kiss that didn't make me feel like he was expecting more.  That weekend he went with my family to mass for the first time and it was a really nice feeling having this man I cared about next me to in worship.

Waiting for the fireworks...the real ones, not the ones from the kiss
Well, I was hooked.  His pursuing of my heart had pretty much won.  But there were still things I needed to get clear before letting this go any further.  We continued to have conversations about God, faith, Catholicism.  We talked about why he fell away from church and would he ever get back.  To which he said that he wanted to feel about his faith the way he had in high school, just never knew how to get back to that.  Would he go to church with me?  Absolutely.  I don't want to stay stagnant in my faith, would he be willing to grow with me?  Yes.  My heart was a little more at ease.

O's game! (And the night he first said he loved me)
In August Chris invited me along on a family vacation to the Poconos.  As we've already established, I'm quite shy and introverted, and we weren't "officially" dating so I was super nervous about meeting his parents but the trip sounded like a lot of fun, they were going river tubing!  While we were up there, one of the family friends asked us how long we'd been dating.  *crickets* "Oh, um, we, uh...."  I think we ended up just saying that we met last November.  But later that night Chris and I had the "defining the relationship" talk and he told me he wanted me to be his girlfriend.  Thanks family friend for sparking that conversation!

From his 25th birthday
Up until the following April we dated "long distance."  Although Jersey to Maryland isn't that long, but it was still a challenge, especially since I was taking classes and doing clinical work that took up a lot of time.  In the time of our long distance dating that I really felt like we continued to grow in getting to know each other.  As difficult as it is being away from the person you care about, on some level I feel like it forces you to really get to know that person, without any of the physical "stuff" getting in the way.

My first time seeing the NY Christmas decorations!
Speaking of the physical stuff.  Chris' past still caused me some pain.  It hurt knowing that this man, who I already knew deep in my heart would be my husband, would not be able to share that special moment with me on our wedding night.  Chris tried to assure me that it would be different.  That he had never told a girl he loved her until me.  That he had never felt like this about another girl.  And while all of that was nice to hear, it still didn't change the fact that I felt like I would be "competing" against other girls.  That he would compare me.  And no amount of his ensuring me otherwise would change how I felt.  Until that December when he went with me to confession.  Driving to the church we talked about we talked about confession, the graces give, the mercy, the forgiveness.  We talked about the clean slate you're given.  After confession Chris told me that God had forgiven his past, and he hoped that I could do the same.  It wasn't until I thought of it in that sense, right there next to the confessionals that I realized I could forgive him.  He had been vulnerable enough to lay that out in the confessional and lay it at God's feet and he had a desire to be better, to do better.  If I held on to his past, I wouldn't be letting him grow.  Now that's not to say I didn't, on occasion, still struggle.  But over, going to confession together still helped me.
His cousin's wedding

When Lent came around that year, Chris was asking me what I planned to give up.  I told him I usually try and focus less on the "giving up" part and more on the "adding something part."  I told him one year I made an extra effort to make sure I made it to daily mass, and that year I believe I made a bigger effort to make sure I prayed a daily rosary.  Chris, without telling me, decided to go to daily mass that Lent.  It wasn't until he got a job interview, and then a job with Morgan Stanley in Baltimore that he told me what he had done for Lent.  Getting him to Baltimore was obviously a big prayer on our hearts, and God answered.
My "Ahh We're Engaged!" face

Chris moved to Baltimore in April (which was much closer to my parents house in Ellicott City than Jersey) and we spent 7 "close distance" months together until he proposed in November of 2011.  And the rest is history in the making.  I just thank God every day for opening my heart to this man.  He has made me happier than I ever imagined possible and every day I can feel our love grow and watching him on his journey back to loving Our Lord has been an incredible blessing.  Please continue to pray for us on our married journey.

*Now, to explain the title of these posts.  Chris has always had the most unique "pet" names for me.  My favorite of those, is Schmusebär.  Chris speaks German and one night as we were getting off the phone he said, "Good night mein klein schmusebar"  Huh?  Apparently it means something along the lines of my little cuddly bear.  I loved it.  And what I love even more is that he doesn't always call me this, he'll break it out randomly and each time I again melt into a puddle of mush*

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How I became his Schmusebär

So Grace over at Camp Patton wrote out her love story and posted a link-up inspiring me to write out our love story.  It's something I've wanted to do, ours is an...interesting one lol  Now, if you follow Grace's blog, my writing probably won't put you into fits of laughter like hers does...and if you don't follow her blog, well why aren't you??
Chris "BT" Before Tiffany.  Ironically this was at a "disco dance" at the Mount...I was also there, but don't remember seeing him
Me BC.  This was my disco dance get-up

So.  On to the good stuff.

BC or "Before Chris" I had two serious relationships.  Both unhealthy, both more physical than I had liked, and both ended badly.  So as I graduated from the Mount in '09 I was single and finally (a little late) vowing never to let a man and a relationship have me compromise my beliefs ever again.  It's around this time I started reading books like Captivating, and hear talks by Christopher West and Jason Evert.  I was starting my Masters program in Pastoral Counseling and was a-ok with being single.

In November of '09 I went with my friends to our first alumni event, a dinner cruise along the Inner Harbor of Baltimore.  There was a "pre-party" at a bar owned by a Mount alum.  I was chatting with my roommate and scoping the scene (I'm a notorious people watcher, comes with the introverted territory).  My spidey senses settled on this guy chatting up with some alum that I knew were a few years older.  I leaned over to my roommate and said "Look at that guy, he reminds me of someone."  Which was our "code" for, he's a cutie! (Don't ask, it's a silly roommate thing).  Anyway, I left it at that.

Spent the remainder of the evening eating dinner and dancing on the boat...until, again, my introverted side came out screamin and I went off to the top of the boat to be by myself for a bit and enjoy the scenery.  I love city-scapes at night.  As I was standing up there taking some pictures the guy from the bar popped up out of no where asking if I wanted him to take a picture of me.  Guess that's better than a cheesy pick up line.  Anyway, we struck up a conversation and were pretty much inseparable for the rest of the night, talking and dancing.  We talked about school, *It is important to note here that he told me he went to the Mount* about my program, his work, friends, family, everything.  He asked my name, and Lord knows what for what reason I decided to tell him my full name, first and last.  Rule #1 broken of "when you meet a strange man."

I left the alumni event without saying good-bye.  I was nervous and worried about what this guy expected and didn't feel like dealing with I left.  Yea, I'm mature.  The next day I found a "friend request" on Facebook and a new message.  I looked at his Facebook page and promptly yelled "HE LIED TO ME?!?!"  I then opened the message he sent me and read a profuse apology for lying to me about going to the Mount, that he actually went to Rutgers, his best friend went to the Mount which is why he was at the event.  He blamed it on the alcohol *think Jamie Foxx* After apologizing some more, he asked if he could get my number and could call me if he was ever back in Baltimore.  I gave it to him...more or less assuming nothing would EVER come of it.

I was wrong.  He tried to get me to come to Baltimore for New Years with him and some Mount people.  I kindly declined.  I had already made up my mind that this guy was NOT the kind of guy I wanted to talk to.  Chris clearly had other plans.  He continued to text me occasionally although nothing really came of it.  Plus, (this is bad, I know) I was sorta talking to another guy...but that never panned out (thank God).  Chris continued texting me, and I decided that if he really wanted to get to know me, I would be 100% up front with him...something that I generally saved for later in a relationship.

Here's where we get personal.  I told Chris that I was a virgin and would not be having sex until I was married.  I was almost positive that would send him running for the hills.  Boy was I wrong.  He told me that he had never been with a girl who wanted to wait, had only been in a few relationships that had not lasted more than a few months, and had never before said "I Love You" to a girl...and bottom line, he had not waited.  But he told me that he was enjoying getting to know me and really liked that I was different from other girls he knew.

Well...shoot.  Now what was I going to do?  He answered me pretty much how I would have always wanted (minus knowing that he himself had not waited...that was something I'd have to deal with in the future).  We continued to text, email, fbk message each other and were always up front and honest with each other, which was a breath of fresh air let me tell you.  It took me some time to trust him, my past with men, plus his little lie when we met.  Not to mention that when I thought about my "checklist,"  while Chris checked off most of my items, he didn't check them all off.  So did I really want to date him? *I know, the suspense is killing you*

I had read about how a man should pursue a woman...I had read about it, but never imagined it would happen.  Chris really did pursue me, despite my best attempts to push him away, shut him out, etc.  But, it wasn't until May of 2010, after quite a few failed attempts, that we finally went on our first date...

Which is a story for another post, that you can read here

Sunday, July 7, 2013


 Happy Sunday all!

Linking up with FLAP for What I Wore Sunday

Details.  The dress is thrifted.  and I LOVE it.  Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a slight obsession with the colors brown and pink together.  So this dress basically screamed at me from the racks to buy it.  I kindly obliged.  Shoes are from Old Navy from aaages ago.  Cami is Aeropostale.  Also from ages ago.

Today we went to a different church than we normally go to.  There are two churches close to us, one closer than the other.  We are actually parishioners at the church closest to us.  We loved the strong feeling of community we got walking into the church.  We really like the other church too, but it's a larger parish and while the church itself is stunningly beautiful, we felt more at home at the other parish.  However, downside is that church only has two (English) mass times, 8 a.m. (yea, not happening) and 10 a.m.  Which we usually can easily make it to, but there are some morning (ok, a lot of mornings) where we drag our feet and before we know it we've missed our window to make it to 10 a.m.  So we go to the other church which has many more mass times.  I feel like we're parishioners at both that even possible?

Yesterday Chris and I went shopping for a grill and a patio set.  Success on the grill front but not so much with the patio set.  Couldn't find anything we liked, in our budget, that would fit.  So we'll keep looking.  We had burgers and veggies last night for dinner and I'll just say...Chris is a grill master ;-)  Here's proof:
barefoot grill master

Burgers and veggies, yum!
While Chris was grilling, I decided to make us a pitcher of mojitos.  We both were craving them.  So I found a "recipe" for a pitcher and proceeded to squeeze a cup of fresh lime juice (we take our drinks seriously up in hurr)...never again.  I'm sure squeezing fresh is better than using store bought stuff but oh man was it time consuming...and literally as I have like a 1/4 cup left to squeeze, not even, Chris goes, "Couldn't you have used the juicer attachment on the Kitchenaid?" *sigh* Totally forgot about that.  After the lime juice I added the mint and muddled the mint...we even bought a muddler (not to be confused with Muggles).  Then in goes the simple syrup (didn't make this ourselves, I'll try it next time) rum and club soda.  Deeeelicious.
Our "bar"

Heaven in a glass

So we enjoyed our mojitos, burgers and veggies while watching Silver Linings Playbook.  
Which I had heard mixed reviews about but I wanted to watch it simply for the psychological aspects.  There were a ton of "F bombs" dropped and I couldn't shake the "he's still married!" thought.  But, like I said, I loved it from a psychological mind.  Although I did not like how they portrayed his therapist...not accurate at all.  No therapist would play a song "just to see if it was still a trigger."  All in all it was an interesting movie with some funny parts...questionable morals, but interesting thinking about diagnoses and the mental health side of it.

Our weekend has been lovely, I hope yours has as well!

I'll leave you with a picture of our adorable pup
Can you handle the cute?

Friday, July 5, 2013

7 Quick Takes vol 6

7 quick takes sm1 Your 7 Quick Takes Toolkit!

Happy Friday everyone!  I hope you all had a fantastic 4th!

Linking up with Jen over at Conversion Diary!

1. Our deck is (mostly) finished!  Chris and his father and brother's did such a fantastic job, it is beautiful.  There are still a few screws/bolts/braces whatever that have to be put in but we've enjoyed coffee on our deck the past couple mornings :-)  Here are a few before and after photos:
The before
Chris, Bryan, and Tim down below
Chris and his dad laying boards
Love it!
All done!
2. One of the highlights of my week: I started doing assessments on new clients and this week met with two young girls.  One mother told me how shocked she was that her daughter was talking to me since she hardly ever talks to adults.  The other mother, as I left, said that she really hoped I would be her daughter's therapist.  It's nice to hear you're doing something right.

3. I bought a new camera!  It's a Nikon CoolPix L820.  Not a super fancy DSLR, but I LOVE it already.  I can't wait to take more that look better than my phone pictures

4. Chris and I spent the fourth with my family at my parent's house.  New camera in hand, my niece was surely my favorite subject

5. Yesterday I finally was able to watch Courageous.  I looove Fireproof (although, I must saying the acting isn't exactly the best) and have been wanting to see Courageous for ages.  We watched it with my family yesterday.  It was even better than Fireproof...if that's possible, right?  I much.  And laughed.  And who doesn't want that from a movie??  If you haven't seen it yet.  DO IT!

6. I've been watching Once Upon A Time on Netflix...Chris wasn't very interested but I think something just appeals to me about the thought of Story Book characters living in the "real" world.  Plus it has an interesting spin on the beloved stories we're all used to.

7. I was just on Facebook and saw this meme:

I died.  The "ermahgersh" meme's make me laugh.  So hard.  For no reason really.  Although it's become a sort of "inside joke" with Chris and I.  Anywho, after a good laugh I had to google Lumen Fidei.  I found this website with some highlights from the Pope's first encyclical! 

Happy Friday Everyone!