Saturday, November 16, 2013

Saturday Randoms

Ahhh weekend.  I went to bed last night not feeling so wonderful, and ended up sleeping...not at all.  Hubs was amazing and let me sleep in this morning.  And it was glorious.

I was up late last night partly because I felt sick, and partly because I wanted to finish re-reading Ender's game.  I have this thing that if I know a movie was a book before it became a movie, I must read the book first.  The exception to this happened to be Harry Potter - but that's because I wasn't allowed to read Harry Potter growing up (I know, shocker) so I didn't read them until I got married - and boy am I glad I did!

So now, today, Chris and I can finally have a movie date to see Ender's Game, and I'm pumped.  I remember loving Ender's Game in high school when I read it the first time, but I was surprised how much I had forgotten, and there were a lot of nuances I totally missed in high school.  I'm glad I re-read it.  Movie review maybe or maybe not to come.

Tonight we're going to our friends place for a dinner date.  They just got married in October and were really excited to host us - apparently we're the first!  She asked we bring a dessert - and since she has Celiac I decided to put in some research for a gluten free dessert.  I found this recipe for a flourless version of the classic.  I'm pretty excited to try the recipe.  Then, if it turns out well, all I need to do is find a chocolate chip my sister can have (she can't have the casein in milk) and I can make these for Thanksgiving!

Speaking of gluten and dairy free - every year I try to find recipes my sister can have.  Thanksgiving has always been my sister's favorite holiday, but after she found out she had a gluten and casein intolerance the holiday changed for her.  And I'd love to make it a little more like it used to be for her.  If anyone has any good gluten and dairy free recipes, I would LOVE for you to send them my way!

Another one of my roommates from college has started her own blog.  Lindsay was my very first roommate.   And became the first friend I made at The Mount.  I am super shy and introverted, and I think Linds may have been a little skeptical of me at first (I was also the Catholic college girl with statues and crucifixes all over her dorm room - may have been a shocker to the new roomies, ha!).  Sometimes we couldn't be more different, and in other things we couldn't be more similar.  We were inseparable in college.  If we were ever without the other, someone inevitably asked where our twin was.  We have been through a lot together, and Lindsay was one of the people who was there for me through one of the most difficult times in my life.  She is my Sugar Plum, and I am her Peach (yes, we are those friends).  She used to live literally a 2 min walk from our house.  We both separately found the same development, and separately fell in love with, and put offers in on houses.  And let me just tell you how awesome it was having one of my best friends right down the street.  But then enter Pete.  Pete is a friend of Chris' from college.  Linds and Pete met at our wedding (pretty sure her parents aren't happy with me for this...).  Pete is getting his PhD in math in LA...Linds took a leap of faith and moved to LA.  I love them together - having seen her past boyfriends - Pete is a great guy and I am so happy for her, she deserves it!  This was a super long intro...but she's "my person" and it only seemed right.  So, anyway, go check out her blog and show her some love and follow along on her East coast to West coast adventures with her adorable (and huge) dog Buddy!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Weekly 7 QTs

I'm slacking again on the blogging front, but hey, at least I make an effort to keep up with 7 Quick Takes with Jen and crew!  Head on over there for more Quick Takes

1. So my personal lap top has decided to show me my first "blue screen of death" and then promptly go to laptop Heaven.  I've only had this laptop since we got less than 2 years.  Oy.  Geek Squad, here I come.  Please work a miracle.

In the mean time, I have my work Mac (that is slowly making me fall in love with Apple - why, oh why, are they so expensive!)  This also means I won't have many photos to post...

2. I had my interview on Monday, fell in love with the idea of the position, was told they would make a decision by mid week - and have yet to hear anything.  I'm very tempted to just email them and ask if they have made a decision...and if it's not me, please just put me out of my misery so I don't jump about 2 feet every time I get a new email.

3. One of the questions they asked me was what I like to do for fun.  I obviously mentioned crocheting...their follow up statement/question was something along the lines of "You don't see many people your age crocheting, how did you get into that?"  Yes.  I am an old soul.  Call me granny Tiffany, you wouldn't be the first! (actually, yes you would) And ya know what?  I'm ok with it!

4. Speaking of crochet - I had 3 orders in one day on my Etsy shop last weekend.  Can't even tell you how excited it made/makes me!  I'm finishing up those orders this weekend, then it's time to focus on a special gift - a blanket - I am making for a friend and her little boy!  We're seeing them the weekend before Thanksgiving, so I need to REALLY work on it this weekend/next week in order to finish by the time we see them.

5. This week I had a "You know you're an introvert when: you realize you've driven to and from work each day in complete silence"  moment.  It was glorious.

6. Today I saw something about a comment Pope Francis made that people are assuming is about Medjugorje.  I was blessed with the opportunity to travel to Medjugorje when I was 12.  It was one of the most moving experiences of my life.  I tend to be skeptical about visionaries - except of course the Church approved apparitions - but seriously, being in Medjugorje just felt like you were walking on holy ground.  I even had the chance to read one of the intentions during the prayer of the faithful on the feast of St. Therese (my favorite saint).  It was a very important trip for me, and it is on my bucket list to return one day.  To this day, I don't believe I have felt that kind of peace in any other place.  It is really hard for me to believe that anything is working there other than the hand of God, so it will be interesting to see what comes of the investigation.

7.  And to end on a lighter note - check out the Santa hat and Diaper cover set on my Etsy shop!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

It's beginning to look a lot like...


You guys...remember how I said I was working on a new project that would be perfect for those Christmas photo shoots?

Well...I give you (da da daaa)

The Newborn Santa hat and Diaper cover set!

I followed this pattern for the hat and this one for the diaper cover.
I used Vanna's Choice in Scarlet and Bernat Pipsqueak in Whitey White (per Repeat Crafter Me's suggestion)  I had never used Pipsqueak before...and I loved it.  It is super soft, and surprisingly easy to work with once you get used to it.  The only downside was that it was a little messy, especially after making the pom pom.  But still, I love the result.

Speaking of the pom pom - I think I need to work on making those a bit...they're not hard or anything, I just struggled with the new yarn/never having made one before.

The diaper cover is adjustable at the waist...and I'm hoping to figure something out to make the rise adjustable as well.  This is giving me all sorts of ideas...diaper covers for cloth diapers anyone??

The Santa hat pattern has sizes all the way up to adult size, so I'm hoping to make one of those and take a pic to post to the blog/shop.

I loved making this set.  If you know someone who might like it, or if you'd like one yourself, head on over to my Etsy shop - I would be honored to make one for you!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Los Siete Takeos Quickos

I feel like I just insulted myself with that post title...and yet, I haven't changed it.

1. Sunday I posted about my newest item in my Etsy shop - These crocheted fingerless mittens

Stay tuned this weekend for a super cute pattern I found, perfect for those family Christmas photos.  Well...the pattern at least is's hoping the finished product turns out cute as well!  You know I'll post pictures, do not fret!

2. Found out I didn't get the job I interviewed for last week.  I felt pretty down again as a result, but the woman who interviewed me forwarded my resume to other managers within the agency and one of them called me to schedule an interview for Monday.  It would be a very different position that what I had anticipated - no client contact, more program would also be a further commute, and it is still unclear whether I would be able to get my hours for licensure with this job.  But.  I am desperate and therefore took the interview.

3. I still have this dream of working in a Catholic school.  Or as part of a parish.  Or at a faith based counseling agency.  I'm looking - but I feel caught in this Catch 22 of, "I'm licensed but not fully licensed which limits my job opportunities, but I can't get fully licensed without experience"  

4. Sometimes, I look around at our house and think - "Ok, when did the tornado hit, and how did I miss it?"  We don't have kids yet, so I know the luxury of dedicating an entire weekend to cleaning will be short lived - but I plan to take advantage of one of the few weekends we don't have plans to clean, clean, clean!  ... unless I decide my desire to go to High Rock is more important.

5. I went to Michaels the other day and was accosted by Christmas decorations.  At first I was all, "Dude, Michaels, it's not even Thanksgiving yet!"  but the more I saw all of the cheery decorations the stronger my desire to decorate our house became.  To the point where I came home and told Chris I was ready to decorate - he talked me down from the ledge.  But look how cute our lil house looked last year!

6. I really enjoyed reading Stephanie's blog post on being a Catholic blogger (I have also enjoyed reading about her adorable son - who coincidentally was born the same day as my goddaughter).  I started this blog mainly as a means to get my crochet items out there - but also a means to blog about daily life.  I am Catholic and therefore it was nearly impossible to blog without imbuing my posts with my Catholic perspective.  I never want to be "in your face," both in real life, and this blog, but a Catholic wife, counselor, crocheter is who I am.  And if I can give witness to my faith via this blog, well hey, I find that a win-win.  

7. This article has been trending on my Facebook newsfeed this week, and it caught my attention with it's title.  I wasn't quite sure what I was looking at, but after reading the whole thing, I have also come to the conclusion that marriage isn't for me either.  And since I just wrote a take about being a Catholic blogger - I'll add this perspective.  As I was reading the article, I kept thinking...marriage is for the glory of God as well.  A glimpse into how much God loves us, reflected in the love of our spouse.  A peek into the joys of Heaven.  Told ya marriage wasn't for me - it's for my husband, our future children if we are so blessed, and for God.

Happy Friday everyone!  Head on over to Jen's for more Quick Takes!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

What I Wore Sunday + fingerless mittens

I can't believe it's November.  Seriously, where has this year gone?  I know the year isn't over yet, but it's hard to believe how much has changed since January, ya know?

Linking up with Fine Linen and Purple for What I Wore Sunday.

Buster, what an attention hog ;-)

Dress: Maurices
Boots and leggings: Kohls

Our priest talked about this story and how perhaps Pope Francis saw Christ in this little boy.  Sounds about right, doesn't it?  Unless we become like little children...

The Gospel today reminded me of a song I used to listen to when I was reeeeally young.    It was a cassette (wow, remember those?) called...either Little is Much, or Big Steps for Little Feet (or maybe neither of those, I can't quite remember).  Anyway, they were Christian children's songs...and I distinctly remember one verse that went
"Zacchaeus was small, he could not see
So he climbed up high in a tree
Jesus said come down and follow me
and listen to the words that I speak"  (this is from those lyrics could be very, very wrong but you get the idea)

I'm pretty sure I learned about Zacchaeus from this song!  I can't find you'll just have to take my word for it that it was a cute song/cassette.

Ok, I'm done rambling about my childhood now...time for another shameless plug!  Check out my latest listing on Etsy for these Crochet Fingerless Mittens

These are the very first things I ever crocheted.  And to this day they are my favorite.  Especially for someone whose hands are constantly cold.

Speaking of crochet, I'm thinking of trying my hand at creating crochet patterns...I'll probably start with something simple, but we'll see.  If I come up with something decent, I'll post it!

Finally, I love fall and fall colors...and I feel pretty darn lucky that I get this view from our deck...

Ok, I'm done my ramblings, head over to FLAP for other more fashionable ladies!  Happy Sunday!

Friday, November 1, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Another week gone by.  It's amazing how fast time flies some weeks.

Linking up with Jen at Conversion Diary for these Quick Takes!

1. Sometimes I wonder if I post too much on here...but, I have an interview this morning.  My friend from grad school (the one who just got married!) put in a good word for me, since she is currently working with this company.  The interview is for a part time position - so it would be a hugh pay cut...but as Chris put it, my sanity is worth more than the paycheck.  So prayers are so appreciated, please!!

2. Chris' phone is pretty much dead.  I've recently been thinking about taking a plunge "backward" and going back to the "dumb" phone days so I offered Chris my current smart phone.  I know I'll miss some apps...but I don't really do much on my current phone that I couldn't do on a "dumb" phone (except taking pictures/uploading them from my phone).  Plus, without a data plan, it'll hopefully save us some money on our cell phone bill.  I may regret the decision, but it's probably happening this weekend.

3. For Halloween we had exactly *drum roll* 2 trick or treaters!  haha  I've always loved handing out candy...but I also love having lots of chocolate left over!

4. We had to take our dog to the vet again this week...he somehow (I'm assuming by scratching) causes a huge bleeding sore on his neck that started to get infected...and the cheap "cone" we got from PetCo kept coming off while he was in his crate so we'd wake up or get home from work and his neck would be covered in blood.  I was a mess.  He's on more steroids, an antibiotic, and we're using an antibiotic ointment.  Thankfully his neck is looking so much better.  We also had to get a cone from the vet that was sized to him...this thing is not coming off while we're gone!  Chris is getting a little fed up with all of the vet bills...he's worrying about finances, and as cold as it sounds...he says if it comes down to the dog or being able to pay our bills...we need to be able to pay our bills.  I can't even think about it.  We're still hoping the shots work and that he'll be a normal dog...but they could take 6-12 months to see any result.  As I said in my Facebook status the other day, "St. Francis, help a brotha out!"

5.  I've had a lot of people recently tell me they want to order items from my Etsy shop for Christmas...which gets me super excited.  If I could do counseling part time and work on my crochet items the rest of the time...I would be one happy Tiffany.

6. Remember my friend Kathleen from  She just opened her Etsy shop that is currently featuring the cutest pacifier clips ever!  Check her out, she is super crafty and can sew and knit like no other!

7.  Happy All Saints Day!