Thursday, October 17, 2013

A Lesson in Trust and Patience

I have not hidden my feelings about my job from this blog.  I'm sure if you've read a few of my posts you know how I feel...less than happy where I am.  This week, the poopy has hit the fan...and then continued to rain down on us all week (too graphic?)  I try not to get into details because I don't want to badmouth my company...I'm just venting usually.

You can often hear me say something along the lines of "I'll be able to handle any counseling job after this!"  or "At least I'm learning something about how counseling agencies can run."  All of my comments are focused on things I can learn from this experience from a career standpoint.  Not once have I thought about how this can be a learning experience from a spiritual standpoint as well.  I've certainly felt and seen the results of how this has affected me spiritually (no lie, definitely just googled "affect" vs. "effect"...always get those wrong, and still may have!), but still I did not think to view this job as a way to grow spiritually.  Instead I have chosen to complain, cry, question whether God even listens to my prayers, and shut down.  It was not until this morning when I was reading about how someone's prayers for a new job were answered after they prayed a novena for the intention (the same novena I had prayed with the same intention).  My initial reaction to this was something along the lines of Stephanie Tanner's "Well pin a rose on your nose. Glad God listens to YOU."

And then I stopped, told myself to stop being so bitter, and finally realized that I am missing out on some prime spiritual lessons.  Lessons to trust in God's timing, not mine.  Lessons in patience, knowing that He knows best.  Lessons in prayer, and continuing to pray, even when it feels like God isn't listening (spoiler alert: He is!)  Lessons in jealousy and how it can rear it's ugly head.  I was to rejoice with other's in their blessings and remember how abundantly (and undeservingly) I have been blessed.

Now, this is not to say that starting from this moment I'll be a little ray of sunshine all the time when it comes to my job (and I'm definitely still praying for something new)...but here's to hoping that I start reminding myself that I am learning lessons for my future career and learning lessons on how to better my spiritual life, and better myself as a Child of God.

Orrrr maybe I'll just resort to this...*wink*

1 comment:

  1. Great post and the Catholic meme is HI-LA-RIOUS!!!!! OMG I couldn't stop laughing lol. We all forget about THAT side of Jesus :-)


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