Friday, September 20, 2013

It's Friiiiday

Oh Friday how I've longed for you.

1. This week at work was rough...and included a student stomping (accidentally) on my foot.  I lost it on my group of 7th was because of their pushing, shoving, posturing to fight that they knocked into another student who then stepped on my foot.  Felt like an elephant rather than a 90 lb pre teen.  I am in no way, shape or form an angry person...I am very much a people please...but like I said, I lost it.  I also rarely raise my voice above it's normal level.  I yelled.  And sadly, it worked.  They finally listened to me and heard my mini lecture about how they love to play and mess around and "it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt."  I still can't believe those words actually came out of my mouth...this job seriously brings out a side in me that I'm really not sure I like.

2. I have applied...yet again, to another job.  So prayers (again) would be so greatly appreciated.  This would be a job where I would actually be a Pastoral Counselor.  People would actually understand when I say something about "God's will" or if I recite a Bible verse to them.  Versus the confused looks I currently receive.  I mean, the first question I had to answer on the questionnaire they sent me was "Share with us your faith story."  Don't mind if I do!

3. So I realize other bloggers have written about Breaking Bad (here and here) and clearly since this is just a quick take I won't be going into it as much as these lovely (and much more eloquent) ladies did.  I am a Breaking Bad fan...however, I probably fall somewhere between these two sentiments of "No Thanks" and "Closer to God."  I agree that I appreciate the reality of sin that the show portrays...pretty sure you wouldn't be able to watch the show and think, "oh awesome, cooking and dealing meth is so the path I want for my life!  Look at all of the fantastic things that will happen to me!"  So while I appreciate that, it is really hard to watch sometimes (ok, a lot of the time).  The show very often physically makes me uncomfortable, and since I have a very low threshold for blood and guts, I very often have to close my eyes.  And yet, I am invested in the show and finding out how it ends.  Chris and I have watched all of the episodes on Netflix...but we just realized that we don't get FXX and can't watch the new episodes On Demand...and it's driving me nuts because I just want to know how Walt gets whats coming to him!! (I hope)

4. Last week (geez I need to start blogging more than once a week - or at least trying to!) I talked about babysitting our goddaughter.  Both our parents called the day after to see how we did! Ha!  We survived (seriously, it was only for a couple hours).  She was a lil fussy but honestly, really good.  She took the bottle just fine, and at one point I was even able to bounce her to sleep in my arms.  Once we was asleep, she stayed asleep til after we were gone!  I think Chris was a little shell-shocked by the crying...but I gotta say, I loved seeing him holding a baby.  I mean, is there anything better than seeing the man you love taking care of a baby?

5. This week was full of fall temperatures, and I loved it!  After my turkey pumpkin chili (so, so good) I am ready to start making tons of pumpkin items.  I just stumbled upon this recipe and I'm thinking this is going to have to happen this weekend.  Along with a nice big mug of coffee and pumpkin spice creamer.  Ahh bliss.

6. My roommate from college (well, 1 of 4 anyway) just started her own blog.  She is an incredibly talented writer and I am already enjoying following along on her journey of motherhood, working, and crafting.  Go check Caitlin out @

7. This is trending on my Facebook feed this morning...and is so true.  Props to The Mount!
22 Signs You Went To A Small Liberal Arts College In The Middle Of Nowhere 

Happy Friday!  Head over to Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!


  1. That turkey pumpkin chili sounds awesome! After work today I'm going home and whipping up some pumpkin recipes too! yay fall:)

  2. Tiffany, thanks for the shout out on here! I just read the 22 signs and it brought back memories of Mount times, Ott's, know it! And wow, pumpkin turkey chili sounds delightful! Fall is callin' :)

  3. Nice to hear the babysitting went well! And I agree, men taking care of babies is the cutest thing!


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