Friday, September 6, 2013

7 Quick Takes

Ahh another Friday linking up with Jen.

1. I get daily emails from Ignitum, and today's article really touched me.  It is from the perspective of the post-abortive father.  A side of the story I feel is rarely heard from, but equally as important.

2. On a completely unrelated note...I am making this recipe tonight.  As I may (or may not) have mentioned, I love everything pumpkin.  Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice latte, pumpkin muffins (super easy recipe for those...1 can of pumpkin puree + one box of white cake seriously, that's it).  Chris is a little skeptical about pumpkin being in a chili but I personally think it sounds like God's gift to pumpkin lovers.  I'll let you know if it's a keeper recipe.

3. I'm working from home today...and every Friday really.  My job graciously is giving us Friday's as a "paperwork day" since we have A LOT more paperwork to do this school year.  Which is great...except it is 10 a.m. and I have yet to start said paperwork.  I'm thinking I'm going to need to revert to my grad school days and head to a Barnes and Noble where I can actually focus.  Otherwise, as I told Chris, he'll come home to a sparkling clean house but my paperwork will not have been touched.

4. Our dog had his allergy test done - can't remember if I even mentioned it on here.  We caved, coughed up the equivalent of a nice vacation, and learned that our dog is allergic to...grass, dust, dust mites, a mite that apparently gets into any and all dry dog food (seriously, how gross is that?!), and willow trees (which in MD are few and far between).  Our dog is allergic to you know how much time dogs spend in grass??  Poor pup.  I'm thinking of buying (or crocheting) him booties to wear when we take him on his walks...may be ridiculous but hey, if it helps.  I found a baking soda + lavender essential oil "recipe" for carpet powder.  Did you know lavender is apparently antibacterial, antifungal, and an insect repellant?  Neither did I, but I'm loving it.  Next week we go back to the vet who will show us how to administer Buster's allergy shots.  I'm not looking forward to this.

5. This past weekend we celebrated Chris' 28th birthday!  Saturday we had a crab feast with my family (you can't live in MD and no love crabs!).  Sunday his parents and brother came to visit along with our friends Joe and Kathleen and their now 1 month old daughter Emma (she is seriously so stinkin' cute).  We did our fantasy football draft and then enjoyed a few "cold ones" and grilled out.  We ended this night with his parents teaching us how to play pinochle...which I loved!

6. This made me laugh...I started as a knitter but I definitely find crocheting to be more my "thing" although I'd love to try my hand at knitting again.

7.  It just wouldn't feel right to go a whole 7 Quick Takes without mentioned Pope Francis' call to the faithful (whatever their faith may be) to fast and pray for Syria.  I am not one who is up on the latest happenings in the World (I know, it's bad, I should watch the news more) but when the Pope calls for prayer and fasting, I'm there!

I'll leave you with this, in honor of Blessed Mother Teresa.  Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!
Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing


  1. I love that quote from Mother Teresa!!!
    have a great day working from home! :)

  2. Oh, your poor dog! My son is also allergic to grass among other things. If he rolls around in it, he will get red marks on his body. Otherwise, it's just lots of snot and sneezing. 2 1/2 years of allergy shots helped...sort of.

    1. Your poor son! And I'm sure keep boys out of the grass is pretty nearly impossible! Glad to hear the shots (sort of) helped!


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