Friday, September 13, 2013

7 Quick Takes #Iforgetalready

Guess who's back, back again...Friday's back, tell a friend
(my coffee buzz kicked in early today...)

Happy Friday and happy Quick Takes with Jen day!

1. This week was a roller coaster of ups and downs with my counseling groups.  My sixth graders are still adorable and want to please and just love group.  We talked about social media one day and I asked them as part of their journal question to "hashtag" the group experience.  I got responses like #fun, #thisgroupisthebest, #ilovemycounselors.  Whereas my 7th graders gave me responses like #boring, #7thgradersarecrazy.  *sigh*

2.  If you're on Pinterest I'm sure you've seen at least one...or twenty pins about diy nail art.  My at home manicures usually come out looking like I let my one year old niece do it for me.  But, after reading that you can make polka dots with bobby pins...I decided to give it a go.  And here is the result.  I used OPI Nicole nail polish in "Burr Burr Burgundy" and "It's Possible." It's been hovering in the mid 90s this week and I REALLY want fall to be here, hence the color choices (feel free to remind me of this statement when I start, talking...about how cold it is)

Sorry for the poor phone picture quality/bad lighting
3. I almost made this into a full blog post but didn't because I realized I didn't really have that much to was more of a "hmm I wonder if this ever happens to anyone else."  A girl I went to college with had a baby boy the other day and posted pictures of her new son Jacob.  I don't really keep in touch with this girl and we only saw each other after college at a mutual friend's wedding.  So tell me why my first thought when I read that she named her son "Jacob" was, "Well, guess I can't name any future son of mine Jacob."  It's not like I'd be "stealing" the name.  But I do this.  And I know my sister does too, when we were discussing names for her first child we would throw out names but often times her response would be "No, I can't name our baby that because so and so did"  Does anyone else do this, or is this a weird sister thing that we're doing.  Chris and I have a few favorite names (premature, I know, but we can dream) and I just keep thinking, "what if someone we know has a baby first and name's them one of the names we love," would we just not name our child that name for that reason??

4. Jen wrote a post the other day about Facebook and asked the question of if we could go back in time and NOT sign up for Facebook...would we?  I was torn.  And it was funny that I read that post the same day my co-worker and I had been discussing Facebook/how we use it/how we started using it.  I started with Facebook back in the day when you had to have a college email to get it.  Oh how I miss those days.  Now-a-days everyone and their mother in on the Book of Face and sometimes it's just a little too much.  I've often considered deleting my account, especially with privacy concerns etc. but I just can't bring myself to do it.  I do actually keep in touch with some people on there...but others, I honestly don't know why I haven't just deleted them.  As I said in my comment on her post, if Social Media Addiction isn't in the DSM V, it should be! 

5.  Two of our closest friends are celebrating their one year wedding anniversary this weekend!  These are the same friends who just had a daughter the beginning of August.  Chris and I offered to babysit (ok, that is the second time I typed babys*it, instead of sit...not cool) for them so they can celebrate.  So tomorrow we get to spend the evening with a one month old!  We'll see how we do ;-)

6. We started allergy shots on Buster this's hoping this helps and we'll have our pup back!

7. I'll leave you with a lil song action...this one always gets Chris and I up and dancing

Happy Friday all, hope you have a fantastic weekend

1 comment:

  1. Hey Girl! I haven't been to your blog in awhile so I'm just catching up on some posts :) Just wanted to say that 1. we definitely do the "can't name my baby that because so and so did" in fact Jacob was a favorite name of ours until our neighbors named their kid that! and we're not even close with them! 2. Luke and I deleted our facebook accounts last Lent and we haven't looked back. We had been toying with the idea for months but I could never bring myself to do it. Especially since I had all my wedding pics on there and I knew my mom would die if they all disappeared haha but I had some personal reasons why I felt facebook at the time (and probably still is) not healthy for me. I don't miss it! The only time I've missed it was recently when I wanted to join a photography blog challenge group and they coordinate their challenges on facebook so I couldn't join. I was bummed but life goes on! You could always try doing it for Lent and see how you feel! Happy Friday!


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