Wednesday, July 2, 2014

5 Favorite Theme Songs

When I saw that Jen wanted to know our "theme songs" and that it's Wednesday - well I couldn't pass up the opportunity to answer her question and link up for Five Favorites with Heather.  Saying I love music doesn't quite encompass what music means to me - so narrowing this down is going to be difficult.  But, here goes!

1. Our wedding song - Changed by You by Between the Trees.  My friend Leslie told me about this small, pretty unknown band and listening to the song and the lyrics - and sharing it with Chris - we knew this would be "our" song.
"And so, if you're supposed to get what you deserve in life
You came just in the nick of time
God's grace has overtaken me
My love, needless to say, I am blessed by you"
Plus, I'm a sucker for a song with piano.

2. I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me.  There are very few songs that take me back literally to one point in time.  Every time I hear this song I am taken back to a church, sitting in the back pews, listening to this song be performed by a couple guys that went to my high school for the funeral of my friend Doug.  The emotions tied up in this song are strong and it's a rare time that I can listen to it without tears coming to my eyes.

3. Wonderwall by Oasis.  This was pretty much my high school anthem and what I longed for.  That person to "save" me.  Fast forward to our honeymoon and Chris ended up singing this song to me at karaoke one night.  I high-fived my high school self for finding a guy who would sing this song to me

4. It wouldn't be right for Something Corporate to be missing from this list.  Another testament to my love for songs with piano.  Something Corporate was my favorite band all through high school and college and is one of those bands that I'm fairly certain I still know all the words to.  This was THE Something Corporate song.  I was never allowed to go to one of their concerts in high school and then the lead singer Andrew McMahon was diagnosed with leukemia and the band broke up (he later started up Jack's Mannequin - another awesome band).  They came back for a reunion tour which I went to with one of my best friends from high school...there's something about seeing your favorite band live.  When this song came on - literally everyone at the concert sang along.  It was awesome.
[DISCLAIMER: there's some language in this one, so listeners beware if little ears are near]

5.  I"m telling you, this was really hard to narrow down!  And I know throughout the day I"m going to stop and be like "man!  I should have put this song on the list!"  It may have been easier to do bands...but hey, maybe I'll add songs to this list at a later date.  For now, my fifth song - The Middle by Jimmy Eat World.  Music in high school was my life blood.  And this song...this song was just such a positive message for an angsty teen (and I was hardly the angstiest of teens)."Just be yourself, it doesn't matter if it's good enough for someone else."  Even my mom liked this song - which if you know my mom, that's simultaneously hilarious and shocking.  Also, I've never actually seen the music video for this - there are lots of half naked people, and a lot of making out.  But the song is still great.  And the message still comes across.

This was super fun.  Happy Wednesday all!  Yay for short weeks :-)

1 comment:

  1. I love this because I think taste in music is something so personal and telling. I like your picks!


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