Monday, June 30, 2014

Answer Me This #2

Returning for some more "Answer Me This" hosted by Kendra at Catholic All Year.  Head on over and learn a little more about different bloggers

1. How often do you take public transportation?

Just about never.  We live in the suburbs right smack between DC and Baltimore which means we need cars to get most any where.  When Chris was still living in the "city" aka Baltimore we would take the bus anywhere we wanted to go for our date nights and what not.  Or if we want to go into DC we will most likely take the metro.  Which I hate.  I don't know why, but it freaks me out.

2. How many cousins do you have?

11 - 2 on my dads side and 9 on my mom's side.  Although, marrying into Chris' family means that I have waay more cousins now.  He has like 20 cousins.  It's pretty great.  Especially since the majority of my cousins are in Colombia.  The rest are spread all over the U.S. so I don't really get to see them all that often.
Here are some of Chris' cousins - minus a few

Mom's side of the fam - some cousins, most of them missing though
3. Have you ever fired a gun?

I have actually.  There was one time in high school that I went to a shooting range with a friend.  I wouldn't mind going again.  But at the same time, it's probably not an activity I would actively seek out.

4. Do you ride roller coasters?

Ah roller coasters.  I have a love/hate relationship with them.  If you see me in line for a roller coaster, you will notice a very nervous looking Tiffany silently praying Hail Mary after Hail Mary.  Once I get on the roller coaster I tend to enjoy it - but I definitely have lots of anxiety...and mental pictures of the coaster flying off it's tracks, (healthy, I know).  I won't ride coasters where I am laying down (Like Superman) and there was one ride in Kings Dominion I refused to ride as well - it literally stopped with you hanging over the precipice before dropping you.  That's a big fat no in my book.

5. What's your favorite flower?

Daffodil!  I love daffodils.  I seriously get giddy driving down highways when I first notice daffodils blooming along the side of the road.
They're so bright, and make me happy
I also greatly enjoy this poem -

6. Are you allergic to anything?

Yes.  I am allergic to cats.  Not terribly allergic - as long as I don't touch the cats I'm ok.  But my eyes will start getting a little itchy if I'm sitting on a couch or something that cats tend to sit on.  It also amuses me that cats seem to sense I can't pet them because they will come right up to me and try to do that whole rubbing my legs business.  
I also recently found that I may be allergic to broccoli.  Totally random thing to be allergic to.  And I say "may" because in two meals that I ate that made me sick, the common ingredient was broccoli.  And I've been too scared to test the theory out again.  

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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