Sunday, June 29, 2014

Where I've been

I don't think I realized just how much has been happening during my semi-blogging hiatus until I sat down to write about it.  And through it all I am always just...impressed, with how I see things come together in a way that I could have never planned.  You know the saying, If you want to make God laugh and all.  I am also just so...grateful.  

A couple months ago my mother was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer.  My mother.  The woman who does not store anything in plastic.  Who eats only organic foods.  Who has been terrified of the "c" word from the time her own father died from lung cancer.  I just thank God that they found it early and it was Stage 1.  She had a lumpectomy done and we just found out last week that my mom does not need to have radiation or chemotherapy, they got it all out, and it hasn't spread (despite being a more aggressive form).  We consider it a miracle and I am SO thankful.  My mother is the person who taught me my faith, she's the one who instilled in me my love for my faith and despite being in an incredibly difficult situation, she never lost hers.  She had complete faith that God would get her through it.  And He did.  

The next big thing going on: In the beginning of May a friend of mine sent me a text telling me that a College Counselor position had opened at the Catholic high school where she works.  If you have ever asked me what my "dream job" is, or where I see myself working - I have always answered that I would love to work in a Catholic high school.  I like the schedule of working in a school, and being able to work in a place that supports my beliefs, and where I could really use my theology background and my Pastoral Counseling degree just sounded like a dream come true.  However, I started my job in March...just 3 months ago (4 now).  I would pretty much be the worst employee ever if I applied, right?  Well, my husband, family, and various other friends, told me that I would be crazy not to apply, especially if it is what I consider to be my "dream" job.  So I thought about it...went back and forth many, many times, and ended up sending in my application the day we left for our trip to FL (we spent a week at the end of May in gorgeous Grayton beach with Chris' mother's side of the family for grandfather's 80th birthday).  It was actually while I was in Fl that the little pieces of this job and what I can only call God's plan for this job started coming together.

To get technical for a moment - I am a LGPC or Licensed Graduate Profession Counselor.  As a counselor, my goal is to become fully licensed, or, an LCPC (Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor).  Having that license means that I can counsel without being supervised and I can open my own practice.  To go from the LG to LC license you need 3,000 supervised counseling hours - 1,500 of those need to be face-to-face hours.  1,000 hours can be accrued in your Master's degree program.  You also need 100 supervision hours.  And to pass the National Counseling Exam (passed while I was getting my degree).  

Ever since leaving my old (terrible, awful) job I have been worried about the number of hours I have.  I had been (not so patiently) waiting for my previous supervisor to get back to me with my # of hours from the old job.  Part of my concern about going to the high school was that I would not get enough hours to get my license.  Well, while in Fl my previous supervisor emailed me my hours - 1,200 face-to-face hours.  AKA I only need 300 more face to face hours (as of now, at my new job, I have over 200).  So basically I don't need to worry about getting hours at the high school.

When we got back from vacation the school called to schedule and interview with me (woo!).  I met with four individuals - the principal, head of guidance, vice principal of academic affairs and vice principal of student affair.  It was a 2 hour interview.  I made Chris laugh though when I told him I dropped the words "encyclical" and "catechism" at the interview.  During the interview, they informed me that there was also  Freshman/Sophomore counseling position open.  As the interview went on, I realized that I definitely was not qualified to be a college counselor, but freshman/sophomore, yes.  A week later they called and offered me...the freshman/sophomore counseling position!  My worry about making a bad decision for our family (I was fairly certain the pay would be considerably less) was put to rest since it is a pay cut, but certainly not a huge amount (plus Chris reminded me money isn't everything, duh).  My worry about having to pay for super expensive CEUs - there's tuition reimbursement for that.  My worry about having to pay for supervision - tuition reimbursement should cover that as well according to the principal.  My friend also told me that she never even knew about the freshman/sophomore position, and they never announced it.  I'm fairly certain if that position hadn't been open, I wouldn't have gotten the job.

I had a really difficult time making the decision.  Deep down I knew that I wanted to take the job...but I have this thing about letting people down, and keeping everyone happy (it's been a difficult lifelong lesson of...I cannot make everyone happy).  I did not want to let my current company down, and I felt like a horrible employee for quitting after only 4 months of employment, especially when this job has been great, it wasn't like I was necessarily unhappy.  But, I put on my big girl britches and told them on Friday.  Super hard and I have a feeling my supervisor is disappointed...even if she said she understood, I'm pretty sure she was upset.

Now that it's done, I'm starting to actually let myself get excited about my new job.  I still can't quite believe that I got the job...that I get to work in an environment that can help me grow not only professionally but also spiritually.  Granted, this month (or however long they keep me) is going to be a bit awkward with my supervisor and coworkers...but what can I do.

Along with these two big things - Chris and I also celebrated our 2 year anniversary.  And we had our goddaughter's baptism.  Friend's bridal and baby showers.  My sister preparing for her second due in Aug.  Doing some projects around the house (we're doing a mini kitchen reno here soon).

So that's where I've been.  Here's hoping these posts get more regular.  And here's hoping everyone had a great weekend.


  1. Congratulations on your new job! It is always so exciting to hear how God answers others' prayers :) And I'm so happy that your mother is doing okay!

  2. Awww congrats!! I am so happy that your mom is doing well, too!


I am so grateful you decided to stop by! Your comments are always welcome, I just please ask for you to be kind with your words.