Monday, April 7, 2014

My super late link up

I missed linking up with Jen (two weeks in a row) but I can still make it for WIWS!

This is still in 7 Quick takes format though...I started it last week, and just finished, hence the "updates"

1. I'm super excited about my newest crochet project.  This year seems to be the year of twin pregnancies, including Chris' cousin.  We're all super excited.  These babies are the first of the new generation on Chris' side and they're starting out with a bang!  Identical twin girls!  Her shower is at the end of April, and instead of cards, she wants books.  Which led to the inspiration for this is a sneak peek of what I'm working on for her shower

Thing 1 and Thing 2 from the cat in the hat!  I love it, and while my slight OCD tendencies are rebelling against the less that neat "writing" I'm still pretty happy with how it turned out.  Thoughts?  Any ways I could make it better?  I modified a pattern from RepeatCrafterMe


2. Since this is also my What I Wore Sunday post, here's my Sunday outfit
From last weekend...

Sorry for the poor phone quality photos...I was in a rush and didn't have a chance to get my legit camera
The Deets: Shirt - Gap Outlet Skirt - Ol' faithful from Target Scarf - don't remember, but it's braided, a new way I learned to wear it Belt - stole from another outfit

I finally have a chambray shirt and I kind of love it :-)

UPDATE from this weekend:

Feel like this makes me look larger than reality...hmm
Dress: Anne Taylor outlet Shrug: WHBM 

3. Yesterday (last weekend) Chris and I went up to see my sister and brother-in-law to celebrate my niece's 2nd birthday.  I cannot believe she is two already!  Our family's little miracle baby, prayed for, for 11 years.  She's grown into such a smart, beautiful, funny, sweet little girl and I am so proud to be her aunt and god-mother.

4. Chris and I are watching (were watching) The Walking Dead we speak (type?)  I still can't believe Chris got me into this show (I'm not one for a lot of blood and gore) but I'm quite glad he did.  I'm hooked now.  Check it out if you dare...and if you'd like a Catholic spin on the show, read Cari's recaps of the show...I look forward to reading them just as much as I do watching the show

5. Any Game of Thrones fans out there?  How bout that season premiere?!  I am love Arya more and more for a future baby girls name...although spelled Aria since there is actually a St. Aria.

6. I'm writing a post about secondary stress in helping professions.  I think I've been feeling this a little more than I would like to admit, and after beginning to read The Resilient Clinician I'm realizing how detrimental it can be both to my work as a counselor as well as to my personal life.

7. Grab your tissues for this one.  I may or may not have lost it a lil bit watching it.  Even Chris had a hard time watching it.  But I promise it has a happy ending.  My friend who posted this video on Facebook made note that during the first 4 min of the movie the baby would have been legally abortable (word?)

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