Sunday, March 23, 2014

7 Quick Takes

  1. Last weekend, my college roommate, the one who blogs over here, came to visit for the weekend.  I picked her up from the airport…and it was basically like I had just seen her yesterday (ya know, minus the fact that we had a ton to update each other on).  We had our own girls night, full of wine, dinner at Outback (our tradition), laughing, catching up, and just falling back in sync with each other.  Good lord I’ve missed having that girl around.  The next night we had a few of our college friends over for even more fun.  It was an awesome weekend…now if only she could move back to being just a few seconds away (literally)
  2. Have you seen this article floating around at all?  It really spoke to my heart.  I may have mentioned once or twice how I am slightly (read: very) shy.  I don’t do well in big group settings, and am just super awkward when meeting new people.  However, like most of us, I crave community, relationship.  This past weekend just reminded me how awesome it feels to be around some of the friends that know you best, that you don’t feel awkward around, and who you can just relax and be yourself with.  Since moving to our new town, I have so desperately wanted to join a young adult group – to meet other people who are around our age with a similar belief system…and there is a vibrant one in our parish.  But…that shyness comes out in me and every time I consider going to an event…I chicken out.  The thought of being outgoing and overcoming my “awkwardness” overwhelms me.  (Hey social anxiety, nice to meet you).  But the thing is, I know once I get to know these people, and feel more comfortable around them, I am going to be so happy I made that first step.  The notion of friendships taking time to build seems like one of those, “Well, duh” statements.  But in reality, when you’re there, meeting someone, and you realize after you leave that you didn’t just make another new BFF, you’re kind of like “oh.  Yea.  Right.  Time.”  Not to mention, now that I’m married, it’s almost like the people who are not married see me as “that boring old married woman who doesn’t know how to have fun”.   But it’s not true!  I can still bust a move and take a shot just like the best of the singletons!  Ok.  Let’s be real…no I can’t.  My “bed time” is around 10 and I don’t even remember the last time I took a shot.  But still…I can be fun!  Anyway, super long “quick take” short…making friends as an adult is hard.  And I’m hoping I’m not the only one out there who feels this way. 
  3. I am still loving my new job.  I am getting a lot of practice with play therapy, which is awesome.  I'm hoping I'll be able to get more training, and maybe even become certified as a play therapist!  What is play therapy?  Pretty much exactly what it sounds like - I spend my days with my client's in play.  Play therapist believe that child communicate and learn best through play.  Want a little glimpse into what I do on the daily?  Here, enjoy "Belly Breathing" *wink*
  4. Chris and I just finished reading Divergent.  I've heard mixed reviews about the movie, but I definitely liked the book.  People who said if you liked The Hunger Games, you'd like the Divergent series are right.  
  5. We finally rented Frozen tonight.  I know there are a lot of theories, thoughts, etc. about the movie, but I gotta say I loved it.  A movie about a sisterly bond, sisterly love?  Yea, I'm sold.
  6. How is Lent going for everyone?  I feel like Lent is getting away from me, Chris and I had decided to say a family rosary every night, and we did really well until the past few days when we haven't.  I know for most people saying a family rosary is nothing, but Chris didn't grown up in a household where they prayed together as a family, never-mind praying a rosary together.  My family did and it's always been something I wanted to be a part of my family...and for some reason I was scared to ask Chris, but he was fantastic about it, and he would often be the one to remind me that we had to pray.  Now, we just gotta get back into the swing of it.  My "no snooze button" for Lent has been tough, especially with my new schedule, but that's the point right?  Something to offer up during Lent.
  7. My sweet niece is turning two this week.  It is so hard to believe our family's little miracle baby is going to be two.  And the next miracle baby is on it's way!  My niece is such a precocious, smart, funny, sweet little girl, and I feel blessed to be her aunt and godmother.  Happy birthday Eliana! 
Hope everyone had an awesome weekend, and will have a fantastic week!  Head over to Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes!

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