Sunday, June 7, 2015

Little Gemma Designs - Faith inspired designer jewelry

From the time I was a little girl, I have always looked up to my sister - both literally and figuratively.  Now we're the same height so it's more so figuratively at this point.  She is an incredibly beautiful, faithful, talented woman of God.  She is an amazing mom to my two nieces and a wonderful wife.  Growing up we weren't as close as we could have been (there's not much a 6 and 16 year old have in common) but as I've gotten older, we have gotten a lot closer - I consider my sister to be my best friend, the one person I can go to about anything and the only person who will actually truly tell me like it is.

I know I already mentioned how talented she is, but here, let me give you a few examples.  When she was in high school/college she kept a sketchbook.  I was obsessed with it.  She usually did not want to share, so I often resorted to sneaking in to look at it when she wasn't home (sorry Ness!).  I could look at that book for hours, and still to this day have vivid memories of the drawings in there (especially the Looney Toons characters).  Each drawing looked like an exact replica of the original.  I so greatly admired that talent and felt so proud that MY sister had done it.  Fast forward to her married life.  My sister has a great natural talent for decorating - a talent that I don't ever imagine I will quite have.  Her home looks like the pages of Southern Living or some other home magazine.  She even used this talent to have her own staging business - and boy was she good at it.  To me, decorating takes a certain level of creativity, and her staging business always seems like another expression of her sketchbook.  And these are just 2 examples or her incredible drive and talent.  Don't even get me started on the numerous furniture pieces that she has turned into amazing works of art.  Or her daughters' nursery that looks like a dream.

When my sister begins an endeavor, she throws herself into it 110% and you can be sure to expect nothing less of perfection.  As I am sure you moms know, having children can limit your time and space to express yourself creatively.  I saw that my sister was struggling with this.  Let's be real, my sister is an artist, and when an artist/creative person cannot express themselves creatively it can be a drain on them emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  So I have been encouraging my sister for years to get back into the creative spirit.

Which finally leads me to the point of this post.  My sister has begun her own jewelry making business called Little Gemma Designs (a lovely play on words - Gemma both for St. Gemma Galgani and the word "gemma" also means gem or jewel).  Her tagline is "On-trend expressions of faith inspired by my little gems from Heaven."  You know those super popular Alex and Ani bracelets?  I never knew this, but they are super new-agey and I even heard that they may have been "blessed" by people that we as Catholics do not want items blessed by.  Unfortunately, I found out about all of this AFTER buying my sister a couple bracelets.  Boy was I disappointed - however, I think that partly inspired my sister even more to follow through with her jewelry endeavor (so at least some good came out of that fail of a gift).  She makes Pandora style rosary bracelets and her bangles are called the Ellie and Emmie - and SO much better than the non-Catholic version.  She makes beautiful pendant style necklaces and also has her own version of Origami Owl (hers are called Blessed Butterfly) that doesn't cost an arm and a leg.  Check out some of her designs and be sure to head to her Etsy page - and remember, with any purchase you're supporting a stay-at-home mom of 2 beautiful girls.  Plus, like I said before, when my sister does something, she does it 110% so you can be assured that every item you receive is expertly crafted.
Example of the "Blessed Butterfly"
Rosary bracelet
Scarf Pendant
Example of the Ellie and Emmie

The Ellie and Emmie -
Rosary Bracelet

See what I mean??  They're beautiful, aren't they?
So, again, please go visit Little Gemma Designs!  And if you don't see a medal you wanted, or if you have a devotion to a particular saint, my sister would be happy to custom make something for you.

God Bless!

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