Sunday, June 28, 2015

Answer Me This!

I love this link-up and am so glad that Kendra @ Catholic All Year brought it back!  It's summer now, and I am hoping that I can get back into more of a blogging groove...there are some exciting things coming up this summer that I can't wait to share.

But first, Answer Me This!  Head over to Catholic All Year to get to know your fellow bloggers a bit more!

1. How long have you lived in your current home?

Well, Chris and I recently moved May 1st, so we've actually only been in our current home for alllmost 2 months.  I wish I had more photos to share of our new home, but things have seriously been a whirlwind since we moved and I feel like boxes are appearing out of nowhere that STILL need to be unpacked.
Pic from the listing

I love our new home though.  It's a 5 bedroom cape in a little town in Baltimore County called Catonsville.  We're in a quiet cul-de-sac with a big fenced backyard (that Buster loves!) and there's a gorgeous stream that runs behind the house.  Catonsville is a super cute town (that we can walk to) with lots of nice restaurants and shops.  People are so incredibly friendly.  We had neighbors come and introduce themselves when we moved in, and even brought us some cake!  And again, there was an antique shop that was going out of business and we bought this beautiful replica of a House of Representatives desk
Looks very similar to this - gorgeous, right?
Anyway, we underestimated how big the desk was and we could not fit it into our car.  I feel like any other place would have said - tough cookies, come back later.  But not these owners!  They brought their own SUV around and drove our desk to our house.  I was shocked at their kindness.

Bottom line, I love our new home and the town we live in.

2. How do you find out about news and current events?

Usually through social media.  The news kind of depresses me so I try to avoid it (which I know is not the right way to view it...).  But thankfully there are many more well informed people on social media who post things that I try to read.  

3. Would you be able to make change for a twenty right now?  For a dollar?

I hardly even carry cash with me.  Which is actually something that I am hoping to change soon.  I think it would help with budgeting to have set cash amounts for items like groceries, clothes, yarn etc.  Change for a dollar though I most likely could do - I hate being in line in a store when I do actually pay with cash and having to search for exact I end up paying with bills only and inevitably end up with even more change, perpetuating the problem of trying to get rid of the change.

4. What's the craziest food you've ever eaten?

To be honest, I don't think I've eaten many "crazy" things.  When we've traveled I do try to eat local cuisine.  When Chris and I were on our cruise for our honeymoon they would have "foods you may never have tried" every night on the menu.  And we tried some every night.  We tried alligator, frog legs, mako shark, escargo.  And it was all delicious.  I also once was tricked into eating rabbit when we were visiting family in Colombia...I wasn't very happy about that one, all I could picture was cute little Thumper.

5. Which of the commonly removed parts have you had removed? (tonsils, wisdom teeth, appendix, etc.)

I've had my wisdom teeth (and a few other teeth) removed and that's about it.  I have been told many times I should have my tonsils out...but never had it done.

6. What's your favorite sport to watch on TV?

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL!  I love watching football.  I never used to be into any sort of sport growing up but when I got to college, so many of my friends were die hard football fans that I decided to give it a go, and fell in love the with sport (and my team, the Baltimore Ravens).  And I have to say, it's nice sharing this with Chris.  We love our Sundays during the season - mass, brunch, and an afternoon of football

Now, head back over to Catholic All Year and read some other posts!

Oh!  Also...if you used to follow my blog and are now finding that I don't "pop up" anywhere, for continuity between the blog and Etsy I changed the name by one. measely. letter.  So it is now (versus glorydesignSby tiffany).  Wasn't sure how and if anyone cared enough to get the word out...but. now you know.  And knowing is half the battle *wink*

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