Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Updates and Cloth Diaper Reviews

I can’t believe our little man has been here for 2 months!  He’s grown so much since we brought him home, and I just keep reciting the cliché “time flies!”

2 months old!
He is the happiest baby – especially in the morning (which he does not get that trait from me, that’s for sure).  He weight 10.13 lbs at his 2 month appointment and was in the 25th percentile for height and weight, which is great because he was only in the 10th at his 1 month appointment.  His favorite position is laying on our chests and seems to really enjoy tummy time and is starting to take more notice of the toys on his play mat.  Although he has a tendency to only turn one way so we’re working on building up those other muscles.  I feel like we’ve gotten his cries down and know whether he’s hungry, uncomfortable, or tired (which are really the only reasons he cries).  He is so good during mass, except when the bells go off during the consecration, those startle him every time.  He started wearing 3 month clothing even before he turned 2 months old and he’s already growing out of some of his 3 month outfits!  Chris and I are just loving every moment of watching Gabriel grow and learn new things about the world around him.

First walk around the neighborhood

After he was born I struggled with what to do about going back to work.  I always knew that I would not go back for the next school year but had thought that I would at least finish out this school year.  But as the time grew nearer for me to go back, I started panicking about leaving Gabriel.  Yet, at the same time, I did not want to leave my job high and dry.  I was torn and I did not have peace about going back for the remainder of the school year, but I also did not have peace about just up and quitting.  Finally, after praying A LOT we made the decision that I would go back until spring break and then not return after the break, which essential boiled down to me going back for a month.  I now have 2.5 weeks left before spring break and I am counting down the days.  Leaving him every morning is so tough and I now have a new found respect and admiration for working moms.  Not that staying home is a “piece of cake” but being “on” at work after being up multiple times a night nursing is rough.
our little angel

My mom has graciously offered to watch Gabriel while I am at work.  So far this has been working out really well.  I was worried about her getting to us on time (I get my hatred of early mornings from my mother) and about her using our cloth diapers but so far she has been doing an awesome job on both fronts and I am at peace know that Gabriel is with someone who loves him so much.

Speaking of cloth diapers…I am quickly becoming “that mom” who is obsessed with her cloth diapers.  I’ve decided that in an effort to truly (I mean it this time!) get back into blogging, I am going to do my own "reviews" of the diapers in our stash.  Chris and I wanted to try as many different brands/styles as possible which has been fun.  Here’s a current break down of our “fluff.”
Clean diapers!

BumGenius Freetime – 5
BumGenius Elementals – 2
BumGenius 4.0 – 4
Fuzzibunz First Year – 3
Grovia AIO – 2
Grovia O.N.E. – 1
Grovia Hybrid shell – 2
Grovia soakers – 2 organic cotton 2 stay dry
Best Bottom shell – 2
Best Bottom Hemp inserts – 5 size small 3 size medium
SoftBums Omni – 1
Thristies AIO – 1
Applecheeks envelope cover – 1
Flip cover – 2
Flip Stay Dry Inserts - 3
Rumparooz – 2

If you look at the list you can probably tell which has been our favorite thus far.  The Bumgenius Freetime diapers will the first up in my "review" series.  Until next time, I will leave you with a picture of how my mom originally thought they were put on.  At least it still contained all the mess!

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