Friday, May 27, 2016

Bumgenius Freetime Cloth Review

So here is Part 1 of my "cloth diaper review."  As you could tell from my previous break down of our cloth diapers, the Bumgenius Freetime has been our favorite diaper by far.

The Bumgenius Freetime is an All-in-One diaper, which means that the inserts (the absorbent material) are all sewn into the diaper.  The outside is water resistant PUL and the inserts are a stay dry microfiber.  These inserts are overlapping, and attached at one side which makes drying a lot faster.  These diapers have snaps with a 3 X 3 rise setting.  At the smallest setting, these diapers should fit a baby at about 8 lbs.  This is how big Gabe was when he fit into these diapers. At it's largest setting it should fit a baby of 35 lbs, but I clearly can't attest to this.  I love all the fun prints this diaper comes in.

Here are some pictures of how the Freetime fits on little man.

Look at that adorable fluffy bum!  I recently moved the rise setting to medium for these diapers.  This is the "Albert" print, and this is the very first diaper I ever bought.  I found it at Target long before I even knew I was pregnant.

These diapers have been working great for us.  They're our favorite go-tos for night-time, especially now that little man is sleeping in longer stretches.  

Inside of the diaper - stay dry semi attached inserts

semi attached inserts

This one is Chris' favorite - he calls it the "hippy diaper."

The only thing about this diaper that bothers me is that while the semi attached inserts help with dry time it always worries me that they're going to somehow move around while on him and his little bottom will be exposed to the microfiber side of the inserts (which, by the way, should never touch baby's skin - it will draw the moisture straight out of their skin and cause a nasty rash).  This has not happened so I'm fairly confident it won't and it's just my mommy anxiety

At 4 months we stopped using the Freetime for night time but they are still the first diapers I reach for during the day.  They're definitely the easiest to care for and dry the fastest.  Our wash routine is an "express wash" with warm water and Tide filled to the 1 line.  Then a normal wash, highest soil level, hot water, with a prewash to start.  Then we throw these in the dryer with other inserts and our wipes on medium low heat.  We haven't had any staining problems with these and they come out of the wash just great.  We upped the rise setting on these pretty early with little man - in fact, probably earlier than we needed to but I can see him staying on this rise setting for some time.

Overall I love these diapers.  The colors/prints are super cute, they're incredibly absorbent, and no blow outs to speak of! (yay!).  They're super easy to use, even my mom got the hang of them pretty quickly so these are the go to diaper for when we have someone watching Gabe and I can see them being great to send to day care.  I also love that there's no unstuffing of the diaper before putting it in the diaper pail.  I would definitely highly recommend this diaper!

Here are a few more recent pics of Gabe in a Freetime:

ugh the fluffy bottom is just so cute!

Also, I guess I'm supposed to mention that this is not a sponsored post, I just thought this would be something fun to do especially since I know reading other blogs cloth diaper reviews was super helpful to me when deciding what diapers to get!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Updates and Cloth Diaper Reviews

I can’t believe our little man has been here for 2 months!  He’s grown so much since we brought him home, and I just keep reciting the cliché “time flies!”

2 months old!
He is the happiest baby – especially in the morning (which he does not get that trait from me, that’s for sure).  He weight 10.13 lbs at his 2 month appointment and was in the 25th percentile for height and weight, which is great because he was only in the 10th at his 1 month appointment.  His favorite position is laying on our chests and seems to really enjoy tummy time and is starting to take more notice of the toys on his play mat.  Although he has a tendency to only turn one way so we’re working on building up those other muscles.  I feel like we’ve gotten his cries down and know whether he’s hungry, uncomfortable, or tired (which are really the only reasons he cries).  He is so good during mass, except when the bells go off during the consecration, those startle him every time.  He started wearing 3 month clothing even before he turned 2 months old and he’s already growing out of some of his 3 month outfits!  Chris and I are just loving every moment of watching Gabriel grow and learn new things about the world around him.

First walk around the neighborhood

After he was born I struggled with what to do about going back to work.  I always knew that I would not go back for the next school year but had thought that I would at least finish out this school year.  But as the time grew nearer for me to go back, I started panicking about leaving Gabriel.  Yet, at the same time, I did not want to leave my job high and dry.  I was torn and I did not have peace about going back for the remainder of the school year, but I also did not have peace about just up and quitting.  Finally, after praying A LOT we made the decision that I would go back until spring break and then not return after the break, which essential boiled down to me going back for a month.  I now have 2.5 weeks left before spring break and I am counting down the days.  Leaving him every morning is so tough and I now have a new found respect and admiration for working moms.  Not that staying home is a “piece of cake” but being “on” at work after being up multiple times a night nursing is rough.
our little angel

My mom has graciously offered to watch Gabriel while I am at work.  So far this has been working out really well.  I was worried about her getting to us on time (I get my hatred of early mornings from my mother) and about her using our cloth diapers but so far she has been doing an awesome job on both fronts and I am at peace know that Gabriel is with someone who loves him so much.

Speaking of cloth diapers…I am quickly becoming “that mom” who is obsessed with her cloth diapers.  I’ve decided that in an effort to truly (I mean it this time!) get back into blogging, I am going to do my own "reviews" of the diapers in our stash.  Chris and I wanted to try as many different brands/styles as possible which has been fun.  Here’s a current break down of our “fluff.”
Clean diapers!

BumGenius Freetime – 5
BumGenius Elementals – 2
BumGenius 4.0 – 4
Fuzzibunz First Year – 3
Grovia AIO – 2
Grovia O.N.E. – 1
Grovia Hybrid shell – 2
Grovia soakers – 2 organic cotton 2 stay dry
Best Bottom shell – 2
Best Bottom Hemp inserts – 5 size small 3 size medium
SoftBums Omni – 1
Thristies AIO – 1
Applecheeks envelope cover – 1
Flip cover – 2
Flip Stay Dry Inserts - 3
Rumparooz – 2

If you look at the list you can probably tell which has been our favorite thus far.  The Bumgenius Freetime diapers will the first up in my "review" series.  Until next time, I will leave you with a picture of how my mom originally thought they were put on.  At least it still contained all the mess!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Our Christmas Blessing

Our little miracle has arrived.  About 2 weeks early.  I still can't believe we have a baby.  I've always loved reading birth stories...and our's was a whirlwind that I want to remember so I feel the need to write it down.

[Warning: this is long, and if you're squeamish, you may not want to read on]

I feel like it all sort of starts two weeks before I actually went in to labor.  I got sick and tried to be all "I'm not going to take any medicine and just let it run it's course" about it until it hung around for over a week.  I finally went to the doctor who told me I had bronchitis (ain't nobody got time for that!) and prescribed antibiotics,  Fast forward to Dec. 23rd.  One of my best friends from high school who lives in Colorado was home for the holidays with her boyfriend so Chris and I went out that night to meet up for tapas and drinks.  I had started feeling a little sick to my stomach before we left but thought I just needed to eat a little more.  We were hanging out, and as we were getting ready to leave I suddenly felt really sick and proceeded to get sick in the restaurant bathroom (gross, I know).  I tell Chris we have to go, NOW.

We get home and I proceed to get sick pretty much on the hour for the remainder of the night.  I felt miserable and I started noticing a little pink tinge when I went to the bathroom and started getting nervous that I was going to make myself go into labor.  We called my OB around 4 in the morning to ask her about it - and she told us that it just sounded like a GI issue and to just make sure I can replenish fluids so I don't get dehydrated or I may need to go to the hospital for fluids.  I finally fall asleep around 5 a.m. only to wake up with a start at 6 a.m. feeling like I was peeing myself and couldn't stop.  I jumped out of bed (a feat at 37 weeks pregnant) and proceeded to slip and fall - hard.  This of course woke Chris up who freaked out that I'd fallen.  I told him I thought my water broke.  When I got to the bathroom I started freaking out because I was wearing red underwear (sorry, TMI) and thought that I was bleeding until I realized, no it was clear.  And oh, there's the bloody show.  Chris immediately jumps into action and calls our OB back to let her know.  She reminds us that because I tested positive for Strep B I would need to get to the hospital sooner to start on IV antibiotics.  But she also told us that we didn't have to rush and if I wanted, I should go ahead and take a shower.

Contractions started about 20 to 30 mins after my water broke.  I felt like they were coming really fast and boy did they hurt but I kept thinking "oh geez they're just going to get worse."  And I kept thinking to myself, there is no way I can do this.  After all the info we got from our Bradley classes I was just so tired from being up all night throwing up that I really didn't think I would be able to get thru labor and pushing.  Plus I knew that with a first child labor could last hours, like 12 or more.  We had learned so much from the class and I had felt so prepared and then to feel so tired and worn out even before labor started was a defeating feeling.

Chris was scrambling to pack our hospital bags (we had started but not finished - we thought we had more time!) while trying to time my contractions, while trying to coach me thru them.  He was amazing.  I decided I did want to try and take a shower so I did and it was pretty hard trying to manage showering while the contractions kept coming, but I also felt like it provided me with some sort of distraction.  My favorite position was standing next to our bed, bent in half laying on it.  It took me a while to move from that position but Chris eventually encouraged me to get dressed so that we could go.  Chris took care of Buster, packed the car, and helped me to the car.  As soon as we got in I closed my eyes and don't think I opened them again until we parked at the hospital.  I was focusing on getting thru each contraction and then falling asleep for a few minutes between them.  I was at the "I can't really do much more than focus on getting through my contractions" stage.  We walked into the hospital, checked in at the front desk and went up to labor and delivery - having to stop a couple times along the way.

When we got to L & D my OB hadn't informed them we were on our way so a room wasn't ready for us yet.  They sat me in a chair to answer intake questions.  Which was less than easy while continuing to get contractions.  In the midst of their asking me questions I felt my water break even more - which I informed them of and they promptly brought me a towel and took me to a room.  I got changed into a gown and then had to get on the bed so that they could monitor baby's heart rate and start getting me hooked up to an IV.  I HATED being in the hospital bed.  I started writhing with the pain but Chris and the nurse were phenomenal about reminding me to relax my entire body and breathe deeply.

Meanwhile, they're still trying to ask me the intake questions and get my health history etc.  Which again was difficult with the way the contractions were coming.  The nurse eventually decided to check my progress, which I was so scared about because I just knew if I heard I was a measly 2 cm I would cry.  But, when she checked I was already 7 cm!  Which was a relief to hear, but I also knew that you can stay at 7 cm for a while so I was trying not to get too excited.

At that point they called the on call doctor for my OB.  When you go into labor on a holiday, your OB will generally not be available to deliver your baby.  Neither will the other doctor in the practice.  So the called doctor #3 on the list.

I continued to labor on the bed because they will still trying to hook me up to an IV and get readings on baby's heart rate and my contractions.  They kept turning me over because that was the best way they could get a reading on baby's heart.  I hated this.  At one point while on my side I suddenly felt the baby drop and started feeling a lot of pressure like I wanted to push.  I didn't say anything right away because in my head I was thinking "there is no way I am ready to push I must be feeling something else."  But I did say something, to which they replied "you must have felt the baby dropping into the birth canal."  but they sort of downplayed my feeling like I had to push.  I think they started noticing that I was having a hard time not pushing though because the nurse checked me again and announced that I was fully dilated.  They then had to call on doctor #4 to come deliver our baby because doctor #3 did not make it in time.  We found out later that when she had gotten the call and heard I was 7cm and it was our first baby she figured she had enough time to shower before getting to the hospital.  She was wrong.

They then pull out the stirrup things, tell Chris he is going to help hold my leg back and tell me that they want me to take a deep breath and push for a count of 10 and aim for 3 pushes a contraction.  Meanwhile, all that is running thru my head is how we learned that giving birth laying down on a bed is the worst position.  So I asked if there was any other way I could push.  To which they replied, this baby is coming this is going to be the best position for you.  They asked if I wanted the mirror so I could see what was happening, and I did.  I was a little worried about seeing it all at first, but quickly realized it actually helped me focus on where I was pushing.  It was wild.

The doctor comes in while I've been pushing for a bit.  Let's just say he was lacking in bedside manner.  In fact, I'm not even sure he said hello to us (which is probably fine because I wouldn't have had much in me to say hello back).  After I had been pushing for a few more contractions I noticed the doctor squirt something on me and all of a sudden I hear Chris tell him "we do not want to have an episiotomy" and I then notice the scalpel the doctor had picked up.  He then looks at me and asks if that's true.  No, my husband is lying to you, YES it's true! (I didn't actually say that).  Not to mention, what was he going to do, cut me without asking first?!  I remember reading in a birthing book that sometimes if a woman is not feeling comfortable with a person's presence in the birth room then labor can stall.  I did not want this to happen when we were so close to finally meeting our little one so I basically blocked him out, focused on the mirror and our baby's head, and listening to my husbands voice.  After 20 or so minutes of pushing, I saw his head emerge and with the next contraction, and the most amazing feeling, the rest of his body was born and he was placed immediately on my chest and I could not believe HE was here!  I felt so ecstatic that I literally almost missed the nurse saying we had a BOY!  Seriously, it was an amazing feeling and the joy that I felt after has been unrivaled.  I didn't cry (I didn't think I would) I just sort was there in the moment.  Chris and I had time with him and he started nursing right away (like a champ!).  I needed one stitch (which is nothing compared to what I'm sure I would have needed if the doctor had given me an episiotomy) and then they got me set up with the "mommy diaper" as I referred to it.

My parents came in soon after he had nursed and later that day Chris's parents and his brother came to meeting him as well.

Gabriel Christopher born December 24th, 2015 at 9:18 a.m. weighing 6 lbs 8 oz and 19 3/4 inches long.  We love him so much already, despite the sleepless nights.

After wanting a child for so long (well, long for us.  It truly wasn't that long) to hold our baby in our arms, to say we have a son, is just a constant reminder of God's faithfulness.  I find myself praying constantly during the middle of the night feedings - praying in thankfulness, praying that our son grows healthily and in love of the God who gave him to us.  Gabriel truly is our Christmas blessing,

Just born!

Chris is so in love with his mini me

Gabriel watching football with daddy

baby smiles!

milk drunk!