Sunday, July 26, 2015

Answer Me This!

First things first, congratulations to our lovely link-up hostess on the birth of her adorable baby girl, Mary Jane!

Now, time for the last Answer Me This for a bit.

1. What's your favorite grocery store splurge?

Hmm right now, a lot of foods don't sound all that appealing to me so I am kind of hating going to the grocery store.  However, POPSICLES!  They're amazing and I want all. the. flavors.  Outshine brand is my current favorite, and their pomegranate flavor is  So I guess now a days the many (many) boxes of popsicles I am buying are my grocery store splurges

2. How's your penmanship?

Pretty awful actually.  It's legible, but definitely not the flowing script I would love it to look like.  My mother grew up in Colombia where they actually taught penmanship (I totally feel like they need that here in the States) and her handwriting is beautiful.

I agree with Kendra too, a few of my favorite Instagram accounts are Katrina's Hatchprints, Erica's Be a Heart Design, and Carolyn's.  They all have such talent and I love seeing what they come up with next!

3. Do you have a "Summer Bucket List?"

Well, after my little announcement the other day, a lot of my summer bucket list has centered around getting the house and Baby O's room in order.  We found out I was pregnant a week after moving in and let's just say I was less than helpful doing anything around the house my first trimester.  Now that I'm out of the puke zone...sorry, I mean first trimester, I am hoping to paint baby's room, deep clean the house, organize our office which has become a dumping ground for those few boxes we've yet to unpack, tidy up the basement etc. etc.  All this before going back to work full time in August (unrealistic, I know.  But hey, a pregnant girl can dream).

4. What's the best thing on the radio right now?

Oh I am a music lover so questions about music are always hard for me.  Right now, I am loving X Ambassadors - Renegades.  I'd actually never seen the music video's pretty awesome.

I am also loving Walk the Moon - Shut Up and Dance - literally makes me dance ;-) 

And as most readers of this blog know...I am a lover of all things Andrew McMahon so I am obsessed with this song Cecilia and the Satellite - I mean, he's writing a song for his beautiful little girl.  So. Sweet.  Plus I think the name Cecilia is gorgeous.  I love this version of the video - a day in the life (I mean seriously, a baby carrying Andre McMahon?? swoon)

5. Ice cream or Frozen Yogurt?

Psh, I say why make a girl choose - I'll take both!  And what's not to love about places like Sweet Frog with their unlimited topping choices. I really want some ice cream or fro yo...

6. Have you had the baby NOW?

No, thank the good Lord.  Baby O is still snuggled up inside my belly where he/she should be!  We had a bit of a scare last week that ended us up in the ER but, again, thanks be to God baby is ok and I am doing much better :-)

Now, get ye to Catholic All Year to check out some other blogger's answers to these questions!

1 comment:

  1. I love popsicles! Best part of summer :) And so glad baby is safe and you're doing better! Congratulations again :)


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