Sunday, August 2, 2015

One measly letter

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I mentioned in a previous post that I changed the blogs title by one. letter. for greater continuity between the blog and my Etsy shop.  So, in order for you to following me on Bloglovin' I had to do another post with a code.

Ta Da.


I haven't done the What I Wore Sunday link up in a while...but I always love getting inspired by others' fashion!

17 week bump!

The dress is consigned from this super cute store I found, Greenberries.  Originally it's from Motherhood and it is incredibly comfortable, which will be good when I head back to work and can only wear skirts and dresses.  Plus I love the length.  My flats are from Payless...and are also incredibly comfortable.

I still can't believe I'm 17 weeks pregnant...and I feel like my "bump" looks bigger in person.  I had my first person at church tentatively ask me if "congratulations were in order."  Yes they are!  And the fact that you felt ok to ask me that must mean that I am leaning on the side of looking pregnant and away from the side of "Hey girl, lay off the McDonalds"

Chris and I officially joined our "new" parish today.  I put new in quotes since technically I've been a parishioner since birth.  We just got a new pastor, which was tough because the previous pastor married Chris and I and we just loved him.  But our new pastor is great.  He is very friendly and goes out of his way to introduce himself to everyone.  He's changing things up a bit which is to be expected I suppose but his homilies have been on point.  Today's was all away gathering around the Lord's table as a family and also about taking the time to have meals with your family sans the distraction of TV and phones.  Chris and I are kind of bad about that...eating in front of the TV I mean.  We still interact with each other but I think we're hoping to make a change and eat dinner at our actual dinner table versus on the couch.

Tonight we're off to a potluck dinner with some of my coworkers to talk about a Bible study we're hoping to start this month.  It's the Jeff Cavins Bible Study and we're really excited for it!

I hope everyone had and continues to have a wonderful, peaceful Sunday.

Go check out some more fashionable ladies at Fine Linen and Purple!